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wondered if there would be a coup. The Queen was a powerful monarch
and she could have a strong show of support if she decided to fight him for
the throne.
To his surprise Jorrell stepped forward and gave them both a low bow.
 I have further information for you my liege.
 Jorrell, please step forward and state your information.
 I would like to state for the record that Bastion was chosen by the
grey man. He personally sent Bas here and that means he was handpicked
by the goddess.
There were rustling murmurs and Vasska noticed the tone of the crowd
shifted towards him. His subjects were looking at Bas with awe.
 How do we know he s telling the truth? Derl asked.
A soft wind whipped through the room. The smell of lilac s and fresh
blood stung the air. The scent of the goddess.
A glow around Bas formed, lighting him up like a candle before
vanishing again. Vas was awestruck.
 That felt incredible. It was like being wrapped in a warm hug.
 Anyone else doubt he s goddess chosen? Vasska asked the room.
There was a wave of head shaking and a chorus of no s.
 Now does anyone else want to contest my right to my mate?
 We do. Two men pushed their way through the crowd followed by a
white-faced Derl. He knew without question that his brother was
responsible for bringing them there but the expression on his brother s
face told him that the goddess intervention ended any objection he might
have. His brother was power hungry but even he wouldn t go against a
The resemblance between the two men and Bas, let Vasska know that
these were his lover s uncles.
 What right do you have when you ve sought to oppress him? I m
certain my investigations will find that you ve robbed him of his
Some of the bravado faded from their faces. One of them was braver
than the other and came closer until he was just below Bas position. A sly
expression was on his face that Vasska didn t trust.
 Hello Bastion. The man said in an oily voice.
 Uncle. Bas voice was soft as if he only spoke to the man
 The King brainwashed you, my boy. Come back with us and we ll
see you re taken care of.
Vasska was surprised at the sneer that crossed Bas face. Who knew
the man could look so superior.
 I remember quite clearly how you wanted to take care of me uncle.
 I d rather submit to the King s brainwashing than the groping of your
hands. Now leave and I don t want to see you again unless it s in front of a
Vasska motioned to his guards.  Please show these gentlemen out.
The men went quietly but Vas knew they would end up facing the pair on
court. There was no way he would let them rob his lover of his birthright.
He held out his hand to Bas.  Come on love let s get our mating
ceremony underway. He gave the crowd a warning look.  Does anyone
else have something to say?
Silence reigned. No one even fidgeted.
 Good. Then we will go to the chambers and intertwine our destinies.
Bas let the King lead him towards the double doors for the second
time. For a moment he had wondered if they were ever going to be mated.
Between Vasska s relatives and his, there were too many people trying to
stop their connection.
The room beyond the double doors was austere in its beauty. The walls
were an unadorned cream and the floor was matching marble.
The only object in the room was a marble pedestal that rose up from
the floor in the exact same color of marble. As they approached Bas could
see that there was a shallow bowl carved into the top. There was also a
carved statue of the goddess Amethia, her hands held up to the sky in a
beseeching gesture.
 Take off your clothing.
 What? Bas looked away from the statue and around the cold room.
 It s part of the ceremony. It proves we have nothing to hide from each
other. Strip and just leave them on the floor.
Bas shrugged.
He was startled when he turned and found Vasska naked. He took a
moment to admire his future mate. There weren t any flaws in the
gorgeous creature before him. Vasska was sleek and muscled. His cock
rose at the sight.
 Come with me. The King held out his hand and Bas placed his on
top it. They walked over to the pedestal in a strangely formal manner
considering they were both stark naked.
Bas bit back a giggle.
Vasska led him to one side of the pedestal and walked over to the
other. For the first time he noticed that his lover had a dagger in his other
The King must ve noticed his expression.  Don t worry darling, I m
not going to stab you or anything. I only need a bit of a blood for the
ceremony. You didn t think a ceremony for a vampire wouldn t involve
blood did you?
Bas blushed. He d been so involved in thinking about his future mate
that he hadn t given the ceremony much thought.  I didn t really think
about it. He confessed.
 I m flattered. Vasska gave him a smile that made his stomach flutter [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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