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found her in the labyrinth of plants. Merrick fought to quell his purr. It wouldn t do to
give himself away now. He wanted to sneak up on his female and take her by surprise.
Moving with care, a practiced movement meant to silence his approach, he
stalked up on her. He masked his presence from her as much as he could. By the time she
knew he had found her, it would be far too late.
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A squawk of alarm escaped her when he grabbed her from behind, pulling her to
him. Purring in pleasure, Merrick buried his lips in her neck, allowing his mental cloak to
fall away, letting her feel him and his hunger for her.  Mine, he growled, gently tilting
her head back and to the side so he could sip of her flesh.
Dori reached up to caress his face and hair, his purr deepening with the touch. She
was unable to resist rubbing herself up against his groin, feeling the scalding heat of his
hard shaft against her. She felt the need to taste him there as he had with her as she
enjoyed the feel of him pressed into her. Her touch drew a fierce growl of hunger from
Merrick, but his attention remained gentle.
 I want to taste your cream again, he murmured in a voice thick with need.
A shiver ran up Dori s spine at his suggestion and the caress of his mind on hers,
letting her feel just how much he meant those words. He barely contained the primal,
baser self demanding he take her whether she was ready or not. The nape of her neck
tingled as her arousal grew with his. His strength of will in his resistance pleased her,
even as she realized the danger she placed herself in by making him do this.
 No. She pulled away and turned to face him. Merrick growled, glaring down
into her eyes, but she resisted the impulse to back down.  You have been allowed your
ways too much already, she scolded.
One brow rose. What game did she have planned for him?  I need to taste you,
sweeting. Even as he said the words, he felt his priorities shift, demanding he allow her
to play a bit more before he bonded them together.
 Then you will have to suffer that need a bit longer. She took him by the hand
and guided him away from the trees and deeper into the garden.
Curious, Merrick allowed himself to be pulled along after her as she had done
with him when he took her to the bath chamber. He would allow her this for the moment,
lest she upset him.
 I want to do the tasting this time, she said.
Merrick stumbled in his shock, grabbing onto Dori s shoulders and pulling her to
an abrupt halt to remain upright. His lips curved in a smile, despite his shock at her
proclamation.  You may, he said in a growling purr, his lips just behind her ear. His
cock twitched its own approval of her demand.
Dori moved away again, leaving Merrick behind to stare after her. Her demand of
him still shocked him, giving him pause. Finally though, he forced himself to follow after
her. An instinctive growl of his claim to her rose in him, rumbling in his throat as he did.
The sound was meant to drive off any rivals seeking to claim her as mate themselves.
Even as quiet as it could be at times, it almost always proved enough to intimidate any
within earshot.
Though there were none here who would dare to try and claim her from him, he
let the sound fill him nevertheless. He would have no other seek her pleasure. No other to
steal her away from him.
She moved to stand before a grand, glassy pond, the sound of water splashing
meeting his ears. A water spout in the pond s center kept the water moving so it always
remained fresh. The sound was calming, granting him a crumb more of focus before
primitive instinct took him over.
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 You re growling. Dori said, turning to face Merrick.
 An instinctive response, he explained.  Focused on rivals who might try to
claim you. It s meant to chase them all away.
 Does it work?
Merrick growled at her, this time in irritation.  It can, if no fools crop up to
Dori drew back at his tone. There was more to his words than an explanation for
her. The one he had told Etherson about? The one he had yet to tell her about just yet due
to this shift in focus between them? She had a feeling he spoke of the one who brought
him here, but pushed the question away. Something more important needed tending to
just now. Playing with a tempting male took precedence over something she knew would
be upsetting for him.
 Forgive me, Merrick soothed.  Tell me what you wish of me. He didn t need
to think of Tark now. Not when with Dori.
 Come here, she held out a hand to him, a smile crossing her face when he
stepped forward and placed his own in hers, allowing himself to be drawn to her.
 What else do you desire? Merrick closed his eyes, leaning his head back when
she unlaced the ties of his shirt and pressed her lips to his chest. He laid his hands on her
shoulders when she licked him there.  Dejah, that is my job. I am supposed to do the
tempting in this game. His loins told him to let her play, while instinct demanded he try
and win control back again. He liked the former plan more than the latter one. It had
more pleasure attached to it for him. It would also keep Dori s fears from trying to take
her over again. It would also let her familiarize herself with him and grant her more
courage for the games.
 My turn to do the tempting, Merrick. Her voice was a low, sexy sound.
A groan slipped passed Merrick s lips. Yes, he could follow that order.  I am for
your pleasure then, Dori. He would indulge her, wanting to allow her to draw courage
from controlling him. An innocent of their ways and he didn t wish to frighten her off. He
also liked the idea of letting her control their play this time. It quieted the primal being in
him and let her choose what would happen between them, strengthening her courage. He
had yet to allow her that and wanted to keep his silent promise to her to let her dominate
him in the games this time.
Merrick resisted saying anymore as Dori slid down his body, looking down to
watch her movements. Everything stilled in him when her mouth drew close to his groin
and the bulge there. He did not wish to draw any kind of reprimand from her as he did not
want to be bitten here by an angry female.
 Please touch me, Dori, he murmured, allowing himself one last chance to speak
to let her know just how much he needed her attention. He closed his eyes on a sigh of
relief when she freed his cock, soothing the ache of the pressure across it. A moan
escaped him when she took him into her hands, hissing when she dipped her hand in
further to draw out his sac, only to groan when she began to stroke him with slow, gentle
movements. She built him up slowly, just as he desperately desired of her.
Dori looked up to watch Merrick s pleasure, liking the power in knowing she was
responsible for it. He was even bigger than she imagined, making her insides clench. His
SHADOW AND BETRAYAL H. M. Harrison Page 96
head fell back in his enjoyment, his purr deep and rich, and she purred herself in her own
wicked pleasure. An occasional growl filtered through them, showing his delight and she
felt it begin to wash over her as well.
 Shall I taste you now? she teased, summoning to her all of what she had read [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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