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ldren she
could provide him.
It felt like an eternity since Alexander s departure as pain soared through her.
Muscles in her belly convulsed, ripping her in half. It was a sign. She knew it
now. There
was no reason to stay in Henstrige.
Tears moistened her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as she clutched her belly.
Alexander was kind and wonderful, much less the tyrant he had been when he had
captured her. Even his parents softened his mood somehow.
Catherine? Queen Isabeau called softly as she entered the room, trailed by Taran
and the midwife. What is the matter my dear?
I ... have ... lost ... my child, your Majesty, she said through the thicket of te
Please help me with the pain for I cannot stand it much longer.
The Queen sat at her side and picked up her hand, patting it gently. There are no
formalities between us, Catherine. Since you are married to my son, I would love
for you
to call me Mother.
Aye, your Maj ... Mother, she replied, her gasps rising high as the pain
Suddenly, Isabeau looked up, making her look as well. Alexander hovered in the
doorway, his father standing over his shoulder. Fear and worry stamped itself on
elegant features. Will she be all right, Mother?
Isabeau stood up quickly and pushed both of them from the room. Kendrick,
keep our son company while I tend to his wife. This is no place for men. With tha
t, she
closed the door and listened for the sound of their footsteps. Dull echoes fille
d the room,
fading away like distant thunder.
What shall we need? Isabeau questioned the midwife.
Hot water and plenty of linen as well as some pennyroyal, the old woman
murmured as she pried Catherine s legs apart. She is bleeding quite badly.
As those words echoed from the learned woman s lips, new terror rippled through
her. Was she going to die? Please ... help ... me, she begged as the pain worsened
Isabeau brushed her head with a loving hand. I will, my darling girl. After today
this will all be nothing more than a dim memory.
Stop that infernal pacing, Alexander, his father ordered as he pared an apple in
his hand. You are wearing on me.
They were in the sumptuous dining hall with the roaring fires as well as the bre
coolness from outside. Servants hurried to get the midday meal ready that he had
no heart
to eat, the hours since his arrival in the hall passing with infinite slowness.
Was Catherine
going to survive the ordeal? She had bled badly with no sign of stopping.
I cannot, Father, he confessed as the pain and worry stormed through his veins.
I am too worried about Catherine to sit still. She could be dying in our chamber.
Father shook his head. She is in the best hands possible.
He spun around, the heat of his anxiety ringing in his face. What if she dies?
What am I to do then?
Father s deep laughter rumbled through the hall. Nothing will happen to her
when she s in my Izzy s hands.
His brow arched. Izzy?
Your mother, Father said lazily as he discarded the apple core on the table and
reached for another one. That is my favorite name for her.
I have never heard that before.
That is because that is what I call her in private, my boy, Father replied. There
is a lot that you children do not know about us.
Alexander s curiosity piqued though his mind had not left Catherine. What do
you mean?
Do you really wish to know? He nodded. Well, you know I captured your
mother, much the same way you did Catherine but what you do not know is that she
seduced me after I was captured.
For years, he had always heard about his father capturing his mother but this wa
one part of the story he had never heard. Mother seduced you? He sipped on a goble
t of
warm ale in order to calm his frayed nerves but it was no use. His belly remaine
d curled
in a tight knot that nothing could remove.
Father s lips spread into a wide grin. Well, as you know, your mother led her
army against me and your uncle Edmund. You see, your uncle Edmund was always
jealous of me because I had gained the King s favor while he had not. So, I sugges
that he take Castile and give it to the King as a show of strength.
Did you not meet Mother at a feast?
His father nodded. Aye, that I did and I took liberties that I should not have. F
that, she slapped me.
The anxiety abated slightly as he listened intently to what his father said. What
sort of liberties?
Before his father could answer, his mother appeared at the bottom of the stairs,
her face ashen. His heart dropped, nearly stopping in his chest. Catherine was d
ead. That
could be the only thing explaining her expression.
Alexander, she said softly as she drifted over to him.
She is dead, is she not? he demanded harshly as the blood turned cold in his
veins. No, he told himself, her constitution was too strong.
His mother s lips pulled into a taut smile. Nay, she is very much alive though she
has lost quite a bit of blood. The midwife is brewing her a potion of pennyroyal
to help
staunch the flow, she announced, laying her hand on his bare shoulder. Now sit dow
Swift sighs of relief escaped his lips. Oh, Jesu, she is alive, he said loudly as
beat of his heart resumed. When may I see her?
Your mother told you to sit down, Alexander, Father thundered from his place
at the table.
The relief slipped away, giving rise to his anger. Do not address me as a child,
Father. I am a grown man and will do as I please, he growled through clenched tee
Father rose slowly from his chair, the same dark orbs turning deadly. Oh, you
still think you can best me, son? I have taught you everything you know but not
everything I know....
Mother stepped between them, holding them apart. Her hand felt cool and calming
against his bare flesh just as it always had when he and Father were at odds. Mus
t I take
you both to the woodshed? Father flashed her an interested look. Later, she mouth
ed and
turned to him. Now sit down.
Alexander remained stock still, refusing to budge.
Do as.... his father started but stopped when his mother s voice interjected.
Kendrick, she chided, her voice soft and low, causing his heart to thump
uneasily. Leave Alexander to me. If you must do something, go and check the troop
and make sure they are ready for battle.
Aye, they are ready for battle, he grumbled unpleasantly as he stood away from
the chair. If you need me....
You will be in our chamber, will you not? His mother s tones, smooth and
warm, seemed to smooth his father s wrinkled brow.
That I will be, he said mildly as he lifted her chin up and placed a soft kiss on
her lips. Do not tarry long.
I will not, Kendrick, she replied as she laid a loving hand on his cheek. I need
to speak to Alexander for a bit.
His father s eyes flicked to him, the intentions quite clear. Do not upset your
mother in any way, he ordered, his hand slipping to the mound under his mother s go
Alexander slid into the chair and crossed his arms as he stretched out slightly,
aggravation mounting. I will do nothing of the sort, Father.
With that, Father marched away, a soft whistle echoing from his lips as he
mounted the stairs, his footfalls heavy.
Once they died away, his mother turned to him and took the chair across from
him. Alexander, why have you done this?
His brow rose. What do you mean?
Followed your grandfather s orders and kidnapped the girl? Forcing her to marry
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