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offer as they d been embroiled in a scandalous and painful affair played out by their
They lived different lives, thousands of miles away from each other. Something
they couldn t ignore.
He wished he knew the perfect thing to say to her at this very moment, that one
magical sentiment that would convince her they were meant for each other and that
come hell or high water, they d make it work.
But he didn t have the details ironed out yet, so how could he possibly assure her?
The best Vin could hope for was that she believed in what they shared. That she
understood they were connected in a way that was too powerful to walk away from.
But damn it! He couldn t just stand there and not say something!
He stepped toward her and said, once again,  Jade, I love you. I always have. I
always will. Nothing has ever changed that, nothing ever will. I know now why I
sought you out eight years ago. I know now why I had to find you again. Why I could
never get you off my mind. Why I couldn t let you go.
She seemed to search his eyes for the answer. But doubt still clouded her gaze.
 Jade. He gripped her shoulders and held her steady as he said,  We re kindred
spirits. Soul mates. We ve shared something for the past eight years. It s bonded us
together, even when we didn t know it. I can t let you go. I don t want to let you go.
I& can t, he repeated.
Tears crested her eyes and streamed slowly down her cheeks.  I don t want you to
either. But how& ?
He breathed a sigh of relief as he hauled her up against him and hugged her tightly.
 I don t know exactly, he told her.  But we ll figure it out. We will.
She hugged him back, squeezing him tight.  Promise me, she whispered in his ear.
 I need that, Vin. I need you to promise me it ll work out.
 It will, he said again.  I swear. I ll do whatever it takes.
She buried her face in the crook of his neck as she clung to him. In a muffled voice,
she said,  I love you too. From the moment I saw you. The moment I met you online,
even. I ve always loved you.
Emotion swelled within him, making him spontaneously say,  So go with me today
and let s take the time to talk through all of this.
Worth the Wait
She pulled away him from him and stared at her father around Vin s shoulder.
Martin said,  You ll regret it for the rest of your life if you don t go for it, Jade.
 And you ll be okay with this? she asked him.
 Yes, he said, his voice strong and confident.  In fact, I think it s time you spread
your wings. I m always going to be here and we re always going to be a family. What I
want now is for you to be happy. Do whatever you have to make that happen, Jade.
She threw her arms around Vin s neck again as more tears filled her eyes.  I ll go
with you, she said between sobs.  We ll make it work. I know we will.
Ava McKnight
Chapter Thirteen
 You re seriously leaving me? Cami asked with a pout. They were in Jade s
bedroom. Cami was perched on the edge of the bed as Jade moved about the room.
 Uh, for like a couple of days. Jade laughed as she carefully folded the clothes
she d selected for her road trip with Vin.
 Okay, you realize we haven t been separated since the first grade, right?
 Again, Jade said.  I ll only be gone for a couple of days. Vin invited me to the
premiere of his and Noah s movie and I m riding with them to L.A. The premiere s on
Saturday and he says we ll be back in Moon River by Wednesday or Thursday,
depending on where we stop along the way.
 You are so lucky, Cami said with a sigh.  Hot man. Cool new adventure.
Meanwhile, I m stuck here with drill sergeant Jo Beth at the antiques store no one ever
Jade gave her an empathetic look.  We solved my problem, to an extent. I promise
when I get back, we ll work on yours.
Cami eyed her suspiciously.  Sure you re not just going to blow on by and head
straight to New York with Mr. Bad Ass?
With a soft laugh, Jade said,  As if I could get away with that. Despite my new
stance with my family, there s no way in hell they d let me move away so abruptly. But
that s okay, she added,  because Vin and Noah are interested in filming their next
project here in Montana.
Cami s green eyes lit up.  Noah Riley in town for a couple of months?
 Yes. Vin too, by the way, Jade said as she playfully nudged her friend.  He told
me this afternoon. After my dad left the shop.
 That couldn t have been a comfortable scenario.
 Ah contraire. My father is about as taken with Vin as I am. Dad headed back to
Helena with good tidings all the way around.
 This is the mayor we re talking about, right?
 I know. Total shock, Jade said.  But it was all okay. Vin squared up with my dad
before he did his tell-all with me. My father definitely respected him for it. But more
than that, I think he got a good dose of my reality when he learned how Vin was
affected by the sordid affair our parents engaged in.
 And how s your dad taking all of this? Cami asked.
Worth the Wait
 Okay, thanks for asking. He seemed happy about me and Vin. Again, shocking,
but I guess he needed the eye-opener. And, surprisingly, he was totally onboard with
me and Vin. He encouraged me to pursue this bizarre romance, in fact.
 Holy Christ. A New World Order has come about.
Jade laughed again as she stuffed her belongings into a canvas tote that would
hopefully fit in one of Vin s saddlebags.  Something like that. She eyed her meager
weekend wardrobe and said,  I ll have to buy a dress for the premiere when we get to
L.A. I ll ship it back here.
 I am so jealous.
Jade grinned.  Noah would have invited you to come along, but I told him Jo Beth
would fire you if you took unscheduled time off.
 So true. Hey, she said,  Maybe you can put a little thought into what I can do in
this town besides working at the antiques store. I m kind of in that same boat with Jo
Beth that you were in with your family.
 Choke collar?
 Oh so tight. She wrapped her hands around her neck and eeked out the word,
 Hmm. I ll give it some thought. Maybe Vin and Noah will need some help during
their filming in the area. You d make a fantastic caterer. I love your food!
 No certified kitchen, Cami said with a frown.
 Bet you could use the diner s kitchen during off hours.
She perked up.  I never thought of that.
 See how much more creative I am now that I m in love?
Cami laughed.  Creative and not as grumpy.
 Hey, I wasn t grumpy! She tossed a pillow at her friend.
 Yeah, says you. Anyway, things are definitely looking up. Take tons of pictures in
L.A. and send them to me so I can live vicariously through you. Oh, Cami added with
a sharp look.  Feel free to send me pictures of Noah, but keep your greedy paws off
Jade grinned.  I told you, not interested. I ve got all I want, need and desire
wrapped in one devilishly handsome package with the name Vin D Angelo pinned to
Cami sighed.  True love, huh?
Jade shrugged, though her stomach fluttered.  Guess it really does exist. And
wouldn t you know, it s one hell of a motivator.
 Gonna kick those gun-toting relatives of yours into submission, huh?
 I understand their plight. But now they have to understand mine. And I can assure
you, they re not going to stand between Vin and I. Nothing is. She gave her friend a
Ava McKnight
bright smile.  That law that was laid down when I was born has officially been
Cami laughed.  Gee, it s like there s a new sheriff in town.
 Nope. Just a new Jade.
She picked up her cell phone from the nightstand next to her bed and sent a text to
Vin, telling him she was ready for their adventure. They d made arrangements for him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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