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'"And many lords and barons of Arthur's kingdom were outraged that their children had been taken away and
killed, but they laid the blame for this more on Merlin than on Arthur. And either out of fear or out of love, they did
keep the peace.'"
'A worthy successor to the good King Herod,' Semyon murmured.
I didn't say anything. I was remembering a cartoon film that my little Nadya was very fond of. About the young
King Arthur. About the funny, forgetful magician Merlin. I imagined the sequel, about how Arthur, egged on by
Merlin, orders wailing, screaming infants who can't understand what's going on to be loaded into an old, useless
ship . . .
So this was the symbol of purity and nobility? The much-vaunted King Arthur of glorious legend?
'Not much like that fine young boy in the warm-hearted Disney cartoon, is it?' Lermont asked, as if he had read
my thoughts. 'Or like that eccentric magician who took him under his wing? But you mustn't blame Arthur. It was
his destiny. That was the kind of teacher he had.'
'How did Mordred survive?' I asked.
Lermont's eyes glinted ironically.
'That's hard to say. How did the boy Arthur become heir to the throne? Perhaps Mordred didn't survive. But there
were people who told some boy that he was Arthur's son and his father had tried to kill him when he was a baby.
What does it matter who he really was by birth? The important thing was who he thought he was.'
'Is he still alive?'
'Mordred? Of course not. He was only a human being. And so was Arthur. He departed this world a long time
'And Merlin?'
'He withdrew into the Twilight for ever . . .' Lermont said, with a nod. 'But Merlin was a genuinely great magician. I
think he was the greatest magician of all time. I think,' he said with a sideways glance at Semyon, 'that Merlin
was a zero-point magician.'
I nodded. I understood that. A magical 'temperature' of zero. Merlin didn't contribute a single drop to the streams
of Power that permeate the world, he had absolutely none of it. And that was precisely why he was a great
magician. He absorbed the Power of others, the Power that was diffused in space - and used it to work miracles.
No other magician so powerful had been born in the world since then.
But one such enchantress had been born. My daughter, Nadya.
'Merlin didn't leave many artefacts,' Lermont continued. 'He created them playfully, as if it cost him no effort at all.
Excalibur, of course. Merlin's cloak. Merlin's chalice. Merlin's crystal. Merlin's staff.'
'He didn't bother himself too much about finding names for them, then?' Semyon said, with a laugh. Then he
suddenly fell silent.
'Merlin's Rune?' I asked.
Lermont shook his head.
'Merlin's Rune is only a key, kept in Merlin's grave, twenty-two miles from . . . from what is believed to be the
grave of Thomas the Rhymer. Naturally, Merlin himself is not in the grave, but some traces of the great magician
are preserved there. You may think me sentimental, but I often visit my own grave. Although I have never liked
going to Merlin's. I simply relied on the protective spells. But that was a mistake. The grave has been robbed.'
'I thought Merlin's grave was in Brittany,' said Semyon.
'No, it lies to the south of Edinburgh. Near the little town of Peebles, at the confluence of the Tweed and the
Powsel. It's not very far from here.'
'And what does this Rune consist of?' I asked.
'A stone. Charged to the hilt with magic and scratched all over with almost illegible signs. Merlin's Rune . . .'
Lermont hesitated and looked round us all, but continued nonetheless ' . . is the key, or rather, the main part of
the key that allows access to a hiding place that Merlin once set up on the bottom of a lake. The lake has
vanished long ago, but the hiding place, of course, is still there.'
'A hiding place in the Twilight?' I asked.
'Fifth level?'
Lermont sighed.
'I could get down to the fifth level myself, my young friend. Or I could call in Geser. Or Andrew. Higher Ones can
be found who arc capable of reaching the fifth level. But this hiding place was made by Merlin. Its right down at
the very bottom. Which means its on the seventh level.'
'Oh, my sainted aunt!' Semyon exclaimed in delight. 'The seventh! So the seventh level does exist! It's not a fairy
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tale, then?' [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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