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absence. The looks of indifference he received when they first saw him
were no longer there. Instead, their faces were filled with curiosity
and hope.
 She s still on Earth, Carrick. We were able to connect with her in
spirit, but she won t let us through. She won t tell us where she is.
He took her arm and led her to her circle where they sat on an
overturned log.  Her soul is still with her. She was never held captive.
But, she s headed to a very dangerous region. He directed his next
question to the girl s father.  Is your daughter a treasure hunter?
The Elder dropped his head in his hand in an attempt to hide a
sob. He lifted his gaze after recuperating.  I should have known it.
She s chasing after these leads from the dreams she keeps having.
 What exactly is she after? Carrick looked at Leona, who wrung
her hands her lap.
Liaison: Soul Bond Book 1
 The lost treasure, she whispered.
Leona turned and left her uncle sitting on the steps of his cabin.
Their heart-to-heart talk brought contentment to her. Frank never re-
ally hated her, just wanted someone to blame for his misery. Just as
she d expected all these years, the man was still grieving the loss of
his wife her aunt. It took a humble man to admit his selfishness and
indifference to Leona and the coven, but she respected Frank for his
confession. Of all people, she understood very well that Frank s heart
would need more time to heal. She didn t know what Carrick had said
to her uncle to convince him that they would bring his daughter back
home safely, but they all agreed that for his health, he would sit out
this journey.
Leona maneuvered around the van and she smiled when she
found Carrick with the others. The muscles in his back moved as he
helped some of the men load bags of clothes, food, and medical sup-
plies in the van. Sweat rolled down his bronze skin each time he lifted
luggage inside. It had been hours since they d had any time alone, but
the temporary separation was warranted.
She turned and went back to the barn to make sure they hadn t
left anything they would need on the trip. This would be a long jour-
ney and they had better be well prepared. Despite the dire situation
they were in, she couldn t help but smile. She had finally found the
person who made her feel whole again. He was now a part of her,
sharing the one thing she kept dear to her heart even without thinking
about it her soul. One day they could live in peace together without
having to worry about their responsibilities to others. Today wasn t
that day. Her cousin should have never embarked on this journey on
her own. They should ve believed in her, instead of calling her dreams
a fantasy. She d been selfish for not listening to Erin that night. Her
cousin would probably still be here if she had. Now, Leona feared that
it would be too late.
Erin might be lost forever.
A strong set of arms encircled her waist and the scent of musk
and nutmeg engulfed her. She relaxed her muscles and nestled her
head against Carrick s chest, reveling in the security and protection
he offered. It left her heart filled with love and hope. She trusted Car-
rick with her life. With his help, they would find Erin and return her
home safely.
Ambrielle Kirk
 Are you sure you haven t cast any love spells on me, beautiful?
He nipped at her neck, spreading soft kisses along the skin.
She giggled.  Maybe. How else would I convince you to stay with
 There is no convincing needed, Leona. I was bewitched the mo-
ment I first stepped foot on this Earth.
Leona turned, still in his embrace, to face him.
His mouth came down and pressed into hers, softly. Her heart
flooded with excitement every time he cherished her this way. Only
seconds later, she d opened up for him, and his tongue slipped be-
tween her lips to play with hers. Their kiss became insistent and heat-
ed, and for a moment, she d forgotten what lay ahead of them. She
pulled away.
 Leona, do witches have regular weddings like humans do?
She laughed.  I am human, Carrick. Only my powers make me
witch. She stroked the hair back from his face.  And yes, we do have
regular wedding ceremonies.
 I want to have one with you. So that we re mated as demons are
and as humans are.
Leona only grinned, when she realized that Carrick was serious.
He had a lot to learn about the human culture and she would enjoy
teaching him.
 Can we do that? he urged when she didn t answer.
 Yes, we can do that, Carrick. She lifted her chin and stood on
her tiptoes to give him another kiss.  Maybe in the summer, when we
visit the beaches.
Carrick s smile was priceless.
Ambrielle Kirk is an author of romantic fiction ranging from
contemporary erotic to dark paranormal romance. She likes to bring
flair and edge to anything she writes. She was inspired to create
stories in her pre-teen years from a very vivid imagination. Now,
over a decade later, that inspiration has never left her. Please visit her
website at www.ambriellekirk.com for more information on current
and future book releases.
Other Books by
Ambrielle Kirk
A Player s Agenda
Special Client
Soul Bond Book One: Liaison [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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