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betraying her confidence.  I mean it s not like she told me herself,
you know?
 That s a good point, Rhyce nodded as he took his seat again,
glancing at Jared.  Something we re going to have to discuss as a
family. While I get that Tristan won t want to betray people, I can t
think he d be gifted with this if he was supposed to always keep it to
himself. Maybe there s a guideline we can think up on when he needs
to share with us for the safety of us and the pack?
 How about we table it until we know for sure what the gift is?
Cameron suggest as he reached over and rubbed my back.  Let s give
Tristan a chance to figure it out and adjust for now. Then we can
discuss what s fair.
 I agree, unless it s something you feel we should know, baby,
Jared said after a few moments.  You re smart, so you ll know if you
feel something that could lead to danger or we need to know as the
leadership of the pack.
 Thank you, I whispered, my eyes filling with tears as I was
touched by their faith in me. Not only that, but worrying about how
this would affect me and opting to discuss it between our family.
 No, thank you, baby, Rhyce said with a smile as he took my
hand.  This is new and confusing I m sure, but you re open and
sharing it with us. That s a huge show of trust in us.
Tristan 79
 So, whose turn is it to deal? Jared asked after a minute or so
with no response from me. I just wasn t sure as to what to say. I
smiled and squeezed Rhyce s hand as Cameron said it was Jared s
turn. The cards were shuffled and dealt again, while Rhyce had made
me another drink as we all chatted and stuffed our faces.
Cameron sucked at poker. That was one thing I learned over the
next few hands. He d lost every round and never just folded right
away. Part of me wondered if he wanted to have Rhyce and Jared
with a pile of favors from him.
I, on the other hand, was cleaning up nicely only having lost one
out of the five more hands we played. The round I lost, Jared won a
fast, kinky fuck from me in any position he wanted and a shopping
date. I thought that one was weird given how dirty we were all being,
but then I realized it wasn t about just getting off. We were all betting
things that gave and brought pleasure. That and worked on getting to
know each other better.
 I see on the bet for a home cooked picnic, I said, smiling at
Cameron s bet. He d stipulated that neither Amanda nor Frank could
help with the preparations to for the picnic.  And I raise love slave for
a week, including costume of thong and chains.
 I-I m sorry, come again? Rhyce sputtered as everyone stared at
me like I d lost it.
 What? Is a week too long? I asked with a smirk, knowing full
well I was bluffing since I had shit in my hand.
 No, I ll take that bet, Jared answered with lust in his eyes. I
shivered without even meaning to as I had all type of images in my
head as to what he d do to me over that week. I figured they d all fold
and I d win the picnic, getting a chance to have one with each of them
individually. He turned and looked at Rhyce and then Cameron.  You
guys going to chicken out?
 Fuck, I ve already lost every hand. Cameron chuckled as he
picked up his cards.  Fine, I m in.
80 Joyee Flynn
 I ll have our baby for a love slave for a week, because I think
he s bluffing. Rhyce smirked, and I wanted to groan at how my plan
backfired. Reaching for the three cards, I couldn t even help laughing
at what I saw. I was totally going to win. I d had the ten and queen of
hearts and now just got the jack, king, and ace.
 You guys are so fucked, I said as I held my cards to my chest.
 Anyone want to raise me before we show what we ve got?
 Yes, I raise a month of additional overnights as love slave, Jared
answered, and it hit me like a ton of bricks what he was feeling.
He was sad. He thought Cameron and Rhyce were wanting to be
with him so they d be able to be my mate. Jared felt that if they d
really wanted him, they would have said something years ago. He was
thinking that he was the reason I was here, but the three of us would
gladly be a family without him.
I tilted my head to study him without even meaning to, and I saw
his eyes go wide.  Tristan, that s not exactly fair, baby.
 Huh, what? I asked as if snapping out of a trance.  You raise a
month. I got it.
 You also got everything I was thinking and feeling, didn t you?
 Shit, I m sorry, I didn t mean to, I answered as I put my cards
face down and pulled my knees up to my chest in the chair.  It s hard
to explain it. The only way I can almost think it compares to is a
really good orgasm.
 One more time? Rhyce asked, raising an eyebrow.
 You know how when you come really hard and you see those
lights behind your eyes and you re there but not all there because
you re so focused on the person who d just made you come like
that? I rambled trying to get my point across.
 Yeah, like you re kind of still connected to them and you re
moving slowly, Cameron said with a nod as his eyebrows scrunched
together.  So you orgasm every time you get a reading?
 No, it s that focus I m referring to, I answered, shaking my
head.  Like for a few moments I m not really here but inside the other
Tristan 81
person when I catch a snippet of what they re feeling. Every time it s
happened before I even realize what s going on. It s like I look at
them and see something and then suddenly everything they re feeling
and some of what they re thinking is dumped on me.
 What was I thinking? Jared asked, looking partially pissed and
daring me at the same time.
 Don t do this, Jared, I whispered as tears filled my eyes.  This
isn t my fault, okay? I wouldn t turn around and tell everyone what I
felt from you. Don t make me feel bad about this when I can t control
The last words were barely out of my mouth before I was lifted up
and into his arms.  I m so sorry, baby. I m such an asshole.
 No you re not, I said firmly as I wrapped myself around him.  I
get why you d be pissed, but I can t control this, Jared.
 I know you can t, he replied as he held me tight and sat down in
my chair.  I was just thinking and feeling something very private, and
for you to have known it pissed me off. It felt like you were reading
my journal or something, and I lashed out. But you re right, and
you re not doing it on purpose, being nosey, or trying to betray me.
It s not fair to get mad at you.
 Thank you for understanding. I sighed before lowering my
voice so only he would hear as I whispered in his ear.  Don t feel that
way, my big Alpha. Cameron thinks you guys don t want him and
Rhyce was the one who said first that he wanted us to all be a family
but didn t know how to make it happen until you found me. Not that
I m sure what that means, but he said I had to ask you.
 I promise to explain it when I know you re ready to hear it,
Jared said softly as he kissed my neck.  Thank you for telling me all
of that. You really are more than able to know when to tell what you
learn or keep it to yourself. I know you d never gossip or start shit,
but you ll help when you can.
 So& Who won? Cameron asked, breaking the trance we were
82 Joyee Flynn
 I did, we both answered, and I knew neither of us was talking
about poker.
 Well according to the cards, Tristan did, Rhyce snickered as
Jared and I turned back towards the table. He gave me a soft kiss
before going back to his seat and leaving me in mine. Rhyce gave me
a scathing looking.  You were totally bluffing until you got more
cards, weren t you?
 Oh hells yeah. I giggled as I gestured to the pile of betting slips.
 Did every one stay in for Jared s raise? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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