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And then he startled them both by dipping his head to crush Nankyo's lips beneath his, holding tightly as Kyo fought and
struggled to break free - until he abruptly ceased, and with a whisper-soft sigh relaxed in Kindan's arms.
Kindan didn't think he'd ever felt anything as wonderful as the feel of the normally stiff, proud prince pliant in his arms, his
lips as soft and warm as his words were usually hard and cold. He wondered distantly why it had taken him so long to admit
that this was the reason he found the prince so damned difficult to deal with.
Breaking the kiss eventually proved necessary, though Kin pulled only just far enough away to breathe. "Koori."
This time, the sound of the name seemed to wake Nankyo from whatever daze he'd fallen into, and he suddenly shoved
hard, sending the unsuspecting Kin reeling back, tripping over an uneven plank of wood and falling back onto the dock.
"What in the Storms!"
"Storms take you!" Nankyo shouted, eyes flashing. "Why can't you just hate me?"
"What?" Kin clambered to his feet, "Dragons! What's your problem?"
"You! Storms, I hate you!"
"Don't call me that," Nankyokukai snarled. He backed away as Kindan approached him. "I hate you! Everything was easier
before you-- when you hated me. I was fine with my choices until you came along. I'd accepted it! And now because of you I
want--what I can't have." His too bright eyes gave way to tears, as thunder suddenly rippled across the sky, startling
Kindan. Nankyo took advantage of the momentary distraction, and ran as lightning raced across the sky, the rain coming
down in hard torrents.
Kin watched him go.
He turned away as the prince vanished from view, gaze caught by his own skin, where the rain had caused his scales to
appear, fine, small and glistening, noticeable only if you looked hard.
It brought to mind his despised, ocean-dwelling sisters, and he thought briefly of how much simpler his life would have been
if he'd been born a female, to a mermaid who raised him to hate humans...especially the blue-haired ones that looked and
smelled - and tasted - of the sea.
Raiden looked around the table, torn between amusement and frustration. His lover looked torn between misery and joy,
Nankyo simply looked miserable, and Kin looked more angry and ready for a fight than usual.
Kindan dropped his fork, the clatter of it against his porcelain plate painfully loud in the uneasy silence of the dining room.
"I've had enough."
"Of what?" Raiden asked lightly, hoping to ease some of the tension.
"Of the secrets. Of being toyed with and played with and mocked. I want to know what's going on and I want to know now."
He glared angrily at the prince, all but ready to spring out of his seat and beat him to a bloody pulp.
No one replied. Nankyo studiously ignored the angry Captain, while Taka merely sighed.
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Raiden gave them each a long, considering glance, then carefully set his own fork down on the table. A sip of tea, then he
leaned back in his chair and looked at each of them, gaze settling on his old friend. "I agree; the games have gone on long
enough." He toyed with the rim of his teacup, then forced himself to hold still. "The 'game' Kin, is simply this: the royal family
only keeps its magic because of the Seal cast a long, long time ago. To keep that seal intact," he ignored the looks the
twins were giving him. "They must, every one hundred years, sacrifice a member of the royal family. That is, someone must
die so that their blood can renew the Seal. Nankyokukai is the offering this time around. That is what they have not wanted
anyone to know."
Kindan opened his mouth to speak, but Nankyo spoke first. "How? How did you know that? Taka would not have told you,
and there is no possible way for you to know! How did you know?"
Raiden stared expressionless at the pale-faced brothers. "I know more than all the royals combined could ever know. More
than you can imagine. I knew about the Seal long before any human had an inkling of it."
"How?" Taka echoed the prince. "No one but the King and the sacrifice know, and the one who must accompany the
sacrifice to ensure he does not run away."
"You would not believe me if I told you."
Nankyo stared at him with narrowed eyes, "Try me."
Raiden held his gaze, eyes dark with old pain. "Once upon a time, my name was Tsunami."
"Impossible," Nankyo breathed. "The Dragons are dead."
Chapter Seventeen
"Yes, they are." Raiden never looked away as he spoke to Nankyo. "I am all that remains of what they once were."
"How?" the prince asked.
"What kind of joke is this?" Takara asked irritably. "I don't appreciate it."
"Nor I," Kindan added.
Nankyokukai and Raiden ignored them. "Have you been planning this venture the entire time?" Nankyo asked. "And here I
thought I was so clever."
Raiden almost smiled. "I've had centuries to plan this, and a hundred years to refine and prepare it."
"A hundred years? So you have been free since the last sacrifice?"
Nankyo tilted his chin up. "It is quite possible this is your idea of a joke - though it does not seem your style. Then again, if
you really are Tsunami, then I really don't know your style at all do I? Prove your identity."
"Kanchou," Raiden said softly. "Was the first sacrifice. He was killed by Manchou."
All traces of humor left Nankyo's face, which went a shade paler than it had already been. "You really are& "
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