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the same breath comes the sage's counsel as well. 'Learn of this (approach to the
Absolute) from some God-man.' What does the God-man say? 'Fix thou thy
attention at the eye-focus, the seat of the Lord Siva (the Shiva-netra), for then
everything will follow of itself in due course, as you will gain experience of the
'self' in you.
The Masters tell us that the entire world is blindly groping in the dark, chasing
the fleeting shadows, ever eluding and ever fading away into airy nothings as we
draw nigh to them; while the fountainhead of all bliss and harmony lies untapped
within at the eye-centre which is the seat of the soul in the body in the waking
state. This centre, when located, gives an access to, and provides a supra-
conscious contact with, the realms that lie beyond the farthest ken of the human
mind. Equipped with the sense-organs, our only means of knowledge is through
them. The soul is perfect without the senses for its action is direct and immediate
and not indirect and mediate depending upon outer aids as knowledge of the
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Mystery of Death - Life in Fullness
world is. After obtaining this contact, one is led, step by step, to the true Home of
the Father. This is life in fullness. Thrice blessed is man for it is given unto him
the power to traverse the regions, both astral and causal, and to go into the
Beyond (Brahm and Par Brahm), the region of eternal bliss outside the pale of
repetitive creation, dissolution and grand dissolution. But so long as one does not
withdraw himself from the world and from himself as well, from his body, mind
and intellect, he does not draw any the nearer to God. "It is only when the
outward man perisheth (the human in the body is transhumanised), that the
inward man (spirit) is renewed, and the dizzy heights of the mount of
transfiguration are gained and one becomes a living spirit freed from the body
and its impediments; capable of getting inner experience of meeting the ancient
Masters like Moses and Elijah" (Matt. Ch. 17), "and joining the Lord in the feast
of Passover." (Matt. Ch. 26 and Mark Ch. 14). It is at this place that the Lord
awaits his disciples: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock, if any man hears my
voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he
with me." (Rev. 3:20). All this experience that St. John reveals to us, he had when
he was transformed into 'spirit,' and he speaks of the coming in of the Lord 'as a
thief in the night' (in the darkness of the soul). Hafiz, a Persian mystic of great
repute, also testifies: 'The Murshid comes in the darkness with a lantern in his
"The way Godward," says Prophet Mohammed, "is narrower than hair and
sharper than the razor's edge." It is described by Nanak as 'khande-di-dhar'
(sword's edge) and thinner than a hair; and one has actually to pass through a
death-like experience. In this context St. Plutarch says: "At the moment of death,
the soul experiences the same impressions and passes through the same processes
as are experienced by those who are initiated into the Great Mysteries." But how
many of us are prepared to experience the death processes while living? We are
all mortally afraid of death. And why so, particularly when we know, and know
so well that it is the necessary end of all created things ? The reasons therefor are
not far to seek. In the first place, we have not yet learnt 'to die at will' while
living. And secondly, because we do not know what happens after death? Where
do we go? What lies beyond the death-trap? This is why we have a horror of
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Mystery of Death - Life in Fullness
death; and the mere idea of death holds us in a state of mortal terror:
The entire world is mortally afraid of death,
And everyone desires to have an endless life,
If by the grace of the Guru one learns of death-in-life,
He becomes the knower of divine wisdom.
O Nanak! he who dies such a death,
He gains for himself the gift of life eternal.
Death, after all, is not a dreadful incident. 'How charming is divine philosophy;
not harsh and crabbed as the ignoramuses suppose; but sweetly melodious as
Apollo's lute; and a perpetual feast of nectared sweet.' It, in reality, opens new
vistas and new horizons of life beyond the grave, and the flames of the funeral [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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