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everyone out for drinks. Ed and Hayden had readily accepted. Bill had declined. He d claimed he
was going to watch some TV, but Jamie wasn t buying it for a minute. From his recent behavior,
Jamie had a sneaking suspicion that Bill and Margie had something going on. Ethan didn t think so,
but he didn t seem averse to the idea, either.
After Ethan and John got here, he was going to have Ethan drive by Margie s house. He d be
willing to bet that the old dog s truck was parked out front. Ever since Jamie had started family
supper night on Sundays, Bill had changed. He d been eager to learn how to cook, and he took more
time on his appearance nowadays. Heck, Jamie had even caught the old codger cleaning the
bunkhouse, which had definitely needed it!
What are you smiling at? Hayden asked as he slid into the seat across from him, passing him
and Ed each another longneck of Shiner.
Jamie grabbed his and tipped his head. Thanks. I was just thinking about Bill. I think he s taken
a shine to Margie.
Yeah, I think so, too. He sure seems sweet on her, anyhow. You think he went to Margie s
I m almost sure. Wonder if I can talk Ethan in to letting us all go for a visit when he gets here.
Hayden laughed. That s pure evil! Now, how would you feel if every time you and Ethan
disappeared into the house on the occasional afternoon, we all came knocking? Eh?
Jamie almost choked on his beer.
Ed chuckled from the other side of him. He didn t think we knew.
He shook his head. No, I didn t.
Hayden grinned. S okay. I think it s a good thing ...
Jamie raised an eyebrow.
Ed leaned forward. Yes?
Hayden flushed and drank his beer. I mean, I m cool with it. I like Ethan and I like you, and if
y all are happy, well, then, that s cool. That s all I meant.
Jamie and Ed chuckled. Then Ed added, Yeah, it s cool. Can t remember seeing the boss man
this happy. And speaking of happy ... He held up his beer bottle. Happy birthday, man.
Hayden did the same with his bottle. Yeah, happy birthday, Jamie.
Jamie grinned and tapped their bottles with his own. Thanks!
They all took a long pull. Then, over the loud music came the opening notes of Shania Twain s
Man, I Feel Like a Woman.
Ed set his beer down and grabbed his phone from his belt. "Hello?"
That was all Jamie heard. He and Hayden looked at each other. They smiled.
Hayden raised his eyebrows. I m beginning to feel a little outnumbered ... apparently I m the
only straight guy at this table.
Jamie snorted, then grinned and played along, pumping his fist in the air. Yes! It s working!
Come to the dark side! You and Bill are the only ones left now ... join us.
Hayden cackled, his face turning red with laughter. Fuck you!
Yeah? Does that mean my Jedi mind powers are working on you, too?
As Ed talked on his phone, nodding and answering with short yeses and noes, Jamie and Hayden
laughed their asses off.
Finally, Ed hung up. Ethan says turn your phone on, Jamie. What s so funny?
Jamie kept laughing, tears streaming down his face. He reached down and checked his phone.
Yup, it was off.
Ed shrugged. He said that he and John got tied up in their meeting a little longer than they
expected, but they are heading this way. So, what are y all laughing at?
Hayden shook his head and doubled over, his shoulders shaking with hilarity.
Dude! You cannot use that song as your ringtone! Jamie got out between guffaws, barely
managing not to fall off his seat.
What? Why not? I like Shania Twain.
Jamie shook his head. Ed obviously didn t see anything wrong with the picture. It s just wrong!
Pick a different Shania song.
But I like that one. That one is my fav--
Hayden held up a hand. Hey, man, are you trying to tell us something? Cause I m giving it to
you straight. If you start prancing around the bunkhouse wearing pink lacey panties, we are going to
have issues.
The image of Ed in pink panties had Jamie almost on the floor. Oh, shit! He gripped his belly,
looked at Ed, then back to Hayden. You can ask Ethan, but I don t think our health insurance covers
sex change operations.
Hayden choked.
Ed sighed, but he was grinning broadly. Fine! I ll change it! Bill took Thank God I m a
Country Boy, or I d ve used it!
They laughed some more and had a good time until two cowgirls came over and asked Hayden
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