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in the throes of passion weren t always reliable. It was best to pretend
he didn t hear the words.
At last Jack rolled off his body and pulled him into an embrace.
 I m sorry, he murmured.  I might have smothered you.
Weak as a pup and completely sated, he melted into Jack s arms.
 You weren t heavy at all.
Jack watched him through heavy-lidded eyes.  I don t believe it,
but you re still breathing, so I guess you re okay.
 More than okay. He tightened his arms around Jack and buried
his face against his lover s sweat-slick chest.
Jack rubbed circles on his back and nuzzled his hair.  I meant it,
you know.
Dakota stilled, afraid to hope.
 I don t expect you to feel the same. I just wanted you to know.
He looked up into Jack s amber eyes, and instead of the usual self-
assurance, he saw vulnerability. All his life Dakota had lived in fear
and kept his feelings bottled up inside. He didn t want to live like that
anymore. He wanted to be what Jack needed, an honest, loving
partner willing to open up and show his true feelings.  And I want
80 Gale Stanley
you to know&  He hesitated, his old doubts creeping back. Jack
looked at him, hope in his eyes, and he breathed it out.  I love you.
Jack rewarded him with a lopsided grin.  You mean it?
 Every word.
Jack gathered Dakota close.  Mine, he said in a rough voice and
held him tight against his body.
* * * *
Dakota had fallen into a peaceful sleep. Jack cuddled up to his
body and tried not to wake the beautiful man in his arms. He wanted
him again, but Dakota needed to rest. As for himself, he was
surprisingly content, happy just to enjoy the closeness, the feel of his
lover s body nestled against his own. Dakota completed him. Their
bodies fit together as if they d been made for each other. A deep sense
of belonging stole over him. It was a feeling he d never experienced
before, and he enjoyed it more than he thought possible. His last
thought before he fell asleep was of the night he met Dakota and how
lucky he was that his plans had backfired.
Born and raised in the City of Brotherly Love, Gale cut her teeth
on True Story magazines swiped from her mother s collection and
read undercover by flashlight. Her choice of reading material inspired
a love of romance and the desire to write her own stories, but life took
a detour while she worked as a surveyor and a CAD manager. Now
she has the best job in the world. She can be anything she wants, but
she doesn t mind living vicariously through the smokin hot alphas
and strong heroines she loves to write about.
Also by Gale Stanley
Ménage Amour: Southwest Shifters 1: Hellfire
Ménage Amour: Southwest Shifters 2: Spitfire
Ménage Amour: Black Wolf Gorge 1: Call of the Wilds
Ménage Amour: Black Wolf Gorge 2: Mating Call
Ménage Amour: Black Wolf Gorge 3: Captive
Available at
Siren Publishing, Inc.
www.SirenPublishing.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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