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In the second case, the mind has exhausted the process of thinking; it does not project, it
is open to the new, it receives without identification and in absence of all fascination and
of every dreamlike process.
I will illustrate this answer with an account of a suprasensible type. Finding myself
outside of my physical body, in instants in which I slept profoundly on the bed, I invoked
a certain disembodied person that in life was a member of the family, to be sure, a close
The dead person presented himself attired in a certain gray suit that he wore in life; he
came laughing alone, he seemed truly somnambulist, he conversed nonsense, something
that he had heard someone say... Useless were my efforts to make him recognize me; the
wretched person slept profoundly; certainly he did not see me; in essence, he really
perceived exclusively his own mental forms and laughed like a lunatic, like an idiot.
Here we have two aspects that come to clarify then, the matter in question. That dead
person projected his own mental forms, he dreamed them, he was absolutely fascinated
with them and did not even perceive me.
In the second case, I was completely conscious, awake I knew that my physical body had
remained asleep in bed I was not projecting; I had exhausted the thinking process, I
became open to the new, I received the disembodied person, I investigated him, I realized
the deplorable state in which he was.
With such a narrative I have illustrated, therefore, the answer to the question that has
come from the audience.
Question: Venerable Master, regarding the exercise of the division of attention in three
parts that is done here in the physical world, how is it that it can have repercussions in the
astral world, if both worlds are totally different?
Answer: My friends, if we observe the life of normal, run-of-the-mill dreams we can see
the concrete fact that many scenes of the dream correspond to the happenings of daily
life, to the deeds that we have lived here and now in the physical world, to the actions of
each moment.
As a direct consequence of this that we are affirming we can emphasize the fact that the
exercise of the division of attention in three parts is also repeated, as in the case of
dreams, in those hours when the essence imprisoned within the ego is found outside of
the physical body.
I think that you do not ignore that when the body sleeps, the essence imprisoned within
the myself, leaves behind the physical body.
In this manner, if we accustom ourselves to practicing such an exercise here in the
physical world, from instant to instant and from moment to moment, we will instinctively
repeat it afterwards, during the hours of sleep and the result will be the awakening of
consciousness; then we will be able to see, hear, touch and palpate everything that we
have been saying in these talks regarding hell, the devil and karma.
As the ego is dissolved, consciousness will be awakening more and more and this we will
be able to evince through the exercise of the division of attention in three parts.
Once the ego is absolutely dissolved, the exercise taught here will allow us to use
consciousness in a voluntary manner for the investigation of the great realities.
Question: Master, how can the difference between what is real and what is unreal, what
is illusory from what is true, the objective from the subjective, be made accessible to the
comprehension of the profane?
Yes There Is Hell, Evil, Karma Samael Aun Weor
Answer: A very interesting question has surfaced in the audience and it is clear that I
hasten to answer.
My friends, a couple nights ago we were seeing on television certain scientific news.
Through the diverse representations on the screen the public was informed on the
experiments that actual men of science are carrying out on the brain.
Connecting certain nodules to the brain, men of science can control diverse sections of
the latter. In these conditions the human machine can be handled through waves and this
has already been absolutely demonstrated.
Experiments were also carried out in the bullfight plaza; a scientist, through such a
system, can stop the bull, make it desist from attacking in instants in which it was
precisely taking a chance with the cape.
With this it has been perfectly demonstrated that every organism is a machine susceptible
to being controlled like any other.
In the case of the humanoid machine it is obvious that the diverse psychic inhumane
aggregates that, pushing against each other, control in diverse times the varying cerebral
zones, integrally replace the cerebral nodules, the waves and the automatic machines with
which scientists can control brains.
In other words we will say that the scientists in specific moments through the electrical
systems, play the same role of the psychic aggregates; that is, they show the reality of
such aggregates through the role that they perform. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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