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"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" Gabriel's voice was a whip that stopped Rase in
his tracks. "Turn around." Rase wasn't sure he could have refused; he just knew he didn't
want to. When he did, Gabriel was stalking toward him. "Knees."
Rase's knees flared with agony as they hit the flagstones, his hands knotted into fists at his
sides. He didn't care what he looked like. His mind was too full of Gabriel and his golden
fury, too full of hope.
"Jesus Christ," Gabriel said again, and this time he sounded broken. By the time he was
standing in front of Rase, his anger was falling apart. "Jesus fucking Christ." He looked so
lost, and he reached out to touch Rase's mouth with his fingertips. "Who did that to you?"
"Your cousin," Rase said, trying not to show the way Gabriel's touch made him shiver. He
mustered up what he could of a smile. "It's far more charming when you do it."
Gabriel stepped back a pace, pressing the back of one hand to his mouth as he laughed like he
was about to cry. "He hit you?"
"He thought I fired you." Rase wanted to get up and find some way to comfort Gabriel but
they were in it now and had to play this out to the end. "At least tell me why you left."
"You& " Gabriel gestured helplessly. "It was you."
"What did I do?" Rase felt on the verge of tears himself. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No. Fuck, no." Gabriel slid his hands into Rase's hair and tugged, jerking his own head back
so that he was facing the sky. "No. You did everything right."
"Then why& ?" It was everything Rase could do not to crawl to Gabriel's feet, just to touch
"I never met anyone as naked as you." Gabriel rounded on him, half-furious and half-
despairing. "I never met anyone I believed the way I believed you wanted me, wanted what
we did." He was back in front of Rase in two strides; he reached out and grabbed a handful of
Rase's hair, wrenching Rase s head back and staring down at him. "I fucked you over and you
took it like you couldn't get enough."
"I can't." Rase's voice was thick with need and shame. "I hate myself for it, and I can't. I tried
so hard to put it all behind me and you just& it was so good. I'm so sorry. I'm weak."
"No, you're not." Gabriel touched Rase's bruised mouth reverently, his eyes on Rase's face
hot and hungry. "You are so fucking brave. I'm the one who got scared."
"You don't need to be afraid of me," Rase whispered. He dared to kiss Gabriel's work-rough
fingertips. "I would never do anything to you. How could I scare you?"
"Do you know how perfect you are?" Gabriel twisted his hand in Rase's hair and Rase's eyes
slipped half-shut as he moaned involuntarily. "Like that. I don't even know you. I'm fucking
nobody. And then you get down on your fucking knees and make me into the goddamn
universe. Not because you can afford it, but because you can't help it. Oh, Christ, Rase, that is
so fucking hot. You made me want it, too." He wrenched at Rase's hair, then let go, shoving
Rase's head to the side as he backed away.
Rase's breath was coming so fast and shallow he could hardly speak. "I'm sorry," he said
again. He could see the terrible mix of emotions in Gabriel's face and he was truly so sorry.
"I did this to you, you did this to me& how the fuck could I ever find someone like you
again?" Gabriel hooked two fingers in Rase's lower lip and twisted, tearing at the split and the
bruise until blood welled up again. Rase was so hard he was afraid he was going to come in
his pants; he could see Gabriel's erection straining at the loose fabric of his shorts. "Oh, God."
Gabriel pulled his fingers away and looked at the blood on them, then at Rase.
"It's okay," Rase said, echoing what Gabriel had said to him, that he'd needed so much to
hear. His voice was barely more than a raw exhalation, but Gabriel heard him. "I'm right
Gabriel's eyes were unfocused, the clear-water iris almost lost in the blackness of his pupils.
He licked his fingers clean with a moan, shuddering all the way through. His nipples were
hard, his skin rough as though with a chill, and a dark spot was spreading slowly where his
cock pressed against his shorts. Rase couldn't help the little noises that came from him with
every exhalation or the shivers that ran through him as blood tracked sluggishly down his
Gabriel swayed as he looked back down at Rase, then grabbed a handful of Rase's hair as if
he could steady himself that way. Hand tight in Rase's hair, he grabbed Rase's jaw with the
other hand and turned his head to the side, then leaned down and licked Rase's chin clean. He
followed the trail of blood back into Rase's mouth and kissed Rase with a snarl, licking the
iron taste out of Rase's mouth.
Rase's hips kept rocking involuntarily, humping the air, he was so turned on. His nails were
crescents of pain against his palms that sent sparks thrilling through his blood. He could feel
everything; his shirt against his nipples, his belt -- oh, God, the belt -- tight around his waist,
his knees throbbing against the edges of the flagstones. When Gabriel pulled his mouth away,
Rase was left whining and licking at the air to try and get another taste of him.
Gabriel let go of Rase's jaw and undid his shorts with a flick of his wrist. He was wearing
nothing underneath, and his cock swayed just in front of Rase's mouth as his shorts slid
down. Gabriel dragged Rase's mouth onto his cock and got both hands in Rase's hair as Rase
started sucking desperately. Gabriel grunted and started fucking, careless of the way he made
Rase gag and choke.
It was better than any fantasy Rase had conjured up. Here in the pristine backyard of some
stranger, he was on his knees with his mouth full of Gabriel's cock, drooling blood and spit
with every hard thrust that made him gag. Gabriel pulled out once, making Rase cry out, and
gave Rase a stinging slap before pushing back in.
"Look at me," Gabriel growled, and Rase did. Oh, God, he was so beautiful with the blue sky
behind him and his hair full of the sun. "Don't come. Don't you fucking come."
Rase blinked away tears and tried to nod as Gabriel thrust in so deep that he couldn't breathe
anymore. That alone had Rase on the verge, and he made frantic noises as his body tried to
cough up Gabriel's cock and get in air. Gabriel moaned like he'd been wounded and pulled
out enough to let Rase inhale before picking up the pace again.
"Fuck. Oh, fuck, oh, Christ." In mere moments, Gabriel was babbling, eyes fixed on Rase.
Rase's mouth was awash in the taste of Gabriel's pre-come, and it was making him shake.
"God, God, God& " Gabriel looked young and terrified right then. "Oh, God, Rase." He
pushed in as deep as he could and held himself there, coming as Rase swallowed over and
over again around the head of his cock.
Gabriel pushed Rase away when he was done, shuffling back a few steps with his shorts
around his knees. He was reaching for breath with broken gasps; when he pulled up his
shorts, his hands were shaking. Rase made himself stay still, so still, even when Gabriel
turned around and took a few unsteady steps away.
"We can't do this," Gabriel said. He covered his face with his hands and tilted his head back
like he was praying.
Rase had to force his mind to work, then his voice. "Tell me what you need. Please?
Anything." All of a sudden, coming was the least of his worries.
"Fuck, I want you. I just can't. I'm so tired of not knowing anyone& just, not existing."
Gabriel sounded like he was broken.
Orders or not, Rase wiped his face on his sleeve and got to his feet. The pain in his knees
brought fresh tears to his eyes, but he made it to Gabriel's side. I used to be a whore. That
how I know I'm not one now. "You can know me," he said, putting his arm around Gabriel
even as his mind was screaming at him that he didn't know what he was doing, that he was
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