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I swear to God I m going to kill Hunter for not saving you. My hands shook because I
was so distraught.
He tried to help me Janice, like he said. There were some other vampires here and he
helped them escape. His brothers got pissed and they beat the crap out of him. I tried to help but
they closed the door and locked him out of the room while they did this to me. He kept pounding
on the door trying to get in but he couldn t. I could hear him screaming at them to open the
door. Jake started coughing and he reached out a hand for me. They let him in when they were
done and they left. He told me he d go get you and bring you here for me. And he did&
Jake, I m so sorry this happened to you, I said as I leaned down and cried on him. It felt
terrible knowing I was losing my best friend.
Janice, can you do me a favor? Please?
Yeah, anything, I told him as I wiped my tears.
Get that stake over there on the floor and finish me, he requested as he pointed over at
one of the corners in the room.
I hadn t even noticed the lone bloody stake lying on the floor. Jake no, I said shaking
my head. I can t do that.
Janice, please just do it so this will be over. If you knew how much I hurt right now
you d do it for me. Please, he begged me. Please.
I looked at the stake again, then got up and went over to the corner and picked it up. I
brought it back to Jake and knelt back on the floor next to him. My hand shook holding the thin
piece of wood in my hand. I really don t want to do this, I said to him as tears streamed down
my face. I couldn t believe I was going to kill Jake.
Janice I just want to tell you I m sorry I made you a vampire. I hope someday you ll be
able to forgive me.
I do, Jake, I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago.
Then I m ready, he said and sighed.
I took the stake and held it up over his heart. My whole body trembled, out of control. I
paused for a second before I thrust the stake into him. He instantly disappeared into ash, and then
the ash was gone as well. I dropped the stake in the pool of blood that was the only proof Jake
had existed at all. Lowering my head, I sobbed while my shoulders heaved up and down.
Wiping my face with my hands, I stood up and walked out of the room. When I stepped
out the door Hunter was there leaning against the wall. I was sure he heard everything said
between Jake and me. I paused for the slightest moment, then started walking back the way I d
come with Hunter when we d arrived. I was going home.
Janice, please let me talk to you, he pleaded. He was walking behind me as we went
down the stairs we had come up earlier.
Ignoring him, I continued walking and found the door I wanted. I walked outside into the
moonlit night and started heading towards my apartment.
Please Janice, will you listen to me. We need to talk. I need to talk to you. Please don t
walk away from me.
I spun around to confront him. As I recall you re the one who s good at walking away.
We don t need to talk. I appreciated that night at the club when you told me to leave when your
brothers were coming. And I appreciate that you tried to save Jake, but I can t change the fact
that it was your brothers who did this to him. Don t you realize that if I was here they would
have done the same thing to me? I started walking again. I wanted to home, take a shower and
get the smell of Jake s blood off me.
Hunter walked next to me and took a hold of my arm, stopping me. I pulled away from
him, not wanting him to touch me. Get away from me, I told him through gritted teeth. I d had
enough for one night. I ll tell you what& Why don t you go find your brothers and go kill some
more innocent vampires? Isn t that what you guys do? Oh, wait, that s right, there s no such
thing as an innocent vampire, is there? We re all damned to hell and soulless creatures, right? I
remember you saying that to me once.
Listen I did what I could for Jake to try to save him, honestly I did. My brothers had a
group of vampires, and when I saw what they were doing, I tried to stop them. They were too
much for me though. I hate that this happened. Janice would you at least let me drive you home?
You don t even have to say a word to me, I promise. The sun is going to be up soon and you
shouldn t be walking around like that, Hunter said as he pointed to my clothes that were
covered with blood.
Thanks but I ll take my chances, I spat at him and turned around and walked away. As
I went down the street tears slid down my face. He might have tried to save Jake, which certainly
did mean something to me, but he was a slayer by birth. My heart hurt so badly I almost couldn t
bear it. It hurt from losing my best friend and it hurt from seeing the man I loved but knew I
would never be able to have again.
Chapter Thirteen
As soon as I got home, I stripped off my clothes and threw them into the garbage. There
was no way I was ever going to wear them again. Every time I looked at them I d remember I
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