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she felt some element of attraction for him, but apparently he was wrong. He d always
been able to draw the attention of the opposite sex without much effort but Laney was
proving to be difficult. It was infuriating.
He was no longer surprised by his attraction to her. She was a gorgeous woman,
her slender yet natural curves intoxicating to watch. The golden glow of her skin was
irresistibly touchable. His body reacted to her in the simplest way yet she was
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completely cold to him. Every advance toward her had been coolly rejected. Perhaps it
was the challenge that drove him mad. At any rate, he was absolutely pissed off with the
situation and desperately needed to get laid. Screw her and her frosty demeanor.
 Well, it s past our bedtime. William Zelman stood and stretched.  We wish
you both congratulations. He clapped Nick on the back while Vivian hugged Laney.
And then they were gone.
As soon as the Zelmans were out of sight, Laney slid out of her seat and exited the
dinner hall without a second look. Nick didn t pay the Wrights any mind. He stood and
headed in the opposition direction. Let Cooper think whatever he wanted. Laney was a
headache he could do without tonight.
It didn t take long to catch the attention of a woman. Nick had learned years ago
that beautiful women hated to be ignored. It was the ultimate insult to their vanity.
Within minutes of leaning against the bar, women were throwing themselves at him. He
selected the prettiest of them and engaged in heavy flirtation. She went on and on about
being on some retreat with her best friend--or was it her sister? He paid little attention to
what she was saying, only interested in the fact that she was openly offering herself to his
exploring hands.
They went back to her room where, before long, she was naked and on her knees
giving him a blowjob. She had a fantastic mouth. However, to his frustration, he
couldn t stay hard long enough to have sex. After several tries to get aroused, Nick gave
up and excused himself. She had wanted to keep trying, but he was becoming bored. He
had no idea what was wrong with him. The woman had been pretty, all long legs and
busty tits, but he couldn t keep it up.
Annoyed, he returned to the bar. He welcomed the flirtation of more attractive
women. However, none of them sparked any great level of desire.
After a while, he migrated to one of the nightclubs. The music was decent and the
females present were cute, but again he didn t see anyone worth sleeping with. After his
first incident he had to make sure he chose a spectacular individual, capable of making
and keeping him horny. He couldn t risk embarrassing himself again. He moved on to
another club, but again didn t discover anyone special.
Aggravated and sexually frustrated, he made his way to the casino area. The
sound of Laney s musical laughter immediately caught his attention. He spotted her at
the craps table standing next to the shooter with John, Natalie and their friends standing
nearby, laughing loudly. The shooter leaned over to Laney and held the dice up to her
lips. Laney blew on the dice, offering her luck. The man winked at her and threw the
dice down the table. The players watched the dice land and then everyone clapped and
shouted victory.
Laney was beaming from ear to ear. Nick rolled his eyes. He couldn t be in the
same room with Laney while he was searching the room for sex. He decided to go to the
lounge next door.
The music in here was slower, sexier, the dimly lit room a nice place to find a
one-night stand. Nick spotted an attractive woman across the room. They fell into easy
conversation. She had some silly name like Candy. Nick welcomed her fondling him.
They did some light kissing before she agreed to accompany him back to his room. As
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they were leaving, Nick spotted Laney. She was leaving the casino with Cooper. His
arm was around her shoulders, and he was whispering something into her ear. Nick
All but forgetting the woman at his side, he charged at Cooper. Laney yelped
when he pushed Cooper up against the wall. Cooper was too shocked to respond.
 Have you lost your mind? Laney hit him on the back.  Let go of him, Nick.
Nick glared at Cooper.  Don t ever touch her.
Cooper regained his composure and pushed Nick off of him. Nick was about to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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