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Anonymous. Food Safety Symposium Post Harvest. Journal of the
American Veterinary Medical Association, 213: 1729 1751, 1998.
C.F. Amábile-Cuevas, M. Cárdenas-Garciá, M. Ludgar. Antibiotic
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E. Bingham, D.P. Rall. Preventive Strategies for Living in a Chemical World.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 837, 1997.
J.C. Burnham. How Superstition Won and Science Lost. New Brunswick, NJ.:
Rutgers University Press, 1987.
R.N. Butler, A.G. Bearn. The Aging Process: Therapeutic Implications. New York:
Raven Press, 1985.
J.L. Casti. Paradigms Lost: Images of Man in the Mirror of Science. New York:
William Morrow, 1989.
J.L.Casti. Searching for Certainty: What Scientists Can Know About the Future.
New York: William Morrow, 1990.
L. Garrett. The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of
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B.J. Gerloff. Are We Sure We Are Doing This Right Journal of the American
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D.C.Grossman, H. Valtin. Great Issues for Medicine in the 21st Century.
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R. Harré. The Principles of Scientific Thinking. Chicago: The University of
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G. Holton. Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought: Kepler to Einstein, Revised
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G. Holton. Science and Anti-Science. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1993.
C. Howson, P. Urbach. Scientific Reasoning: The Baysean Approach. LaSalle, IL:
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P.W. Huber. Galileo s Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom. New York: Basic
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T.S. Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Second Edition, Enlarged.
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R. Lewis. Portals for Prions? The Scientist, 15 (15): 1, 21,23; July 23, 2001.
M. LaFollette, ed. Quality in Science. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1982.
L.A. Muir Gray. Postmodern Medicine. Lancet 354: 1550 1553, 1999.
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L.L. Smith. Key Challenges for Toxicologists in the 21st Century. Trends in
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R. Stone. A Molecular Approach to Cancer Risk Assessment. Science, Vol.
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J. Zinsstag, M. Weiss. Livestock Diseases and Human Health. Science, 294:
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There are numerous technical references available to review how risk assess-
ment is conducted and how tolerances are set by the federal government. A
few of these are listed below. Numerous laws and legal tomes have likewise
been written. The establishment of such tolerances is also a constantly chang-
ing process, tweeked by both science and law. The purpose of this section is
to illustrate the concept, not present the regulations.
R. Adams, ed. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Seventh Edition,
Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 1995.
B. Ballantyne, T. Marrs, P. Turner. General and Applied Toxicology. New York:
Stockton Press, 1993.
A.W. Hayes, ed. Principles and Methods of Toxicology, Third Edition. New York:
Raven Press, 1994.
National Research Council. Improving Risk Communication. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press, 1989.
National Research Council. Issues in Risk Assessment. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press, 1993.
National Research Council. Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1993. (Note: See the Executive
Summary on pgs 1 12 for a concise discussion on the adequacy of the
existing uncertainty factors).
D. Waltner-Toews, S.A. McEwen. Human Health Risks From Chemical
Contaminants in Foods of Animal Origin. Preventative Veterinary Medicine
Vol. 20, pgs. 158 247, 1994.
The selected toxicology review in Appendix A is a distillation of material in a
technical book on pesticide residues which I recently published. Since this
reviewed, referenced, and edited material was completed in 1995, it provides
a timely overview of pesticide toxicology. I thank my coauthors, Drs.
Craigmill and Sundloff, for their original input into this material. The reader
is directed to this source for a more in-depth treatment and full bibliographi-
cal citations:
S.F. Sundlof, J.E. Riviere, A.L. Craigmill. Handbook of Comparative
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