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1-2 ................................................... Engine
1-5 Vehicle slews briefly out of control. 3 ............................................. Pilot or crew
Weapons fire at -5 this turn. 4-5 ................................. Wings/rotors/fans
6-9 Vehicle slews out of control. All 6-10 ........................................ Vehicle body
weapons fire at -10 this turn and next.
Driver must make a Diff 20 roll to D10 ................................ Walker Location
regain control next turn of crash/spin. 1-3 ...................................................... Legs
10+ Vehicle crashes (aerial vehicles spin). 4 ......................................................Engine
No weapons fire from this vehicle. 5 ............................................. Pilot or crew
6 .................. Weapon (body if not present)
In a crash, the vehicle skids its current 7-10 ........................................ Vehicle body
speed in meters forward, hitting anything in
the way (1d10 damage per 5mph/9kph of If the hit location roll indicates a result that's
vehicle speed. Assessed against the ve- impossible, move the result to the next high-
hicle, and whatever it hits). If two vehicles est location that's logically possible.
VEHICLE COMBAT RULES Cargo: Minor hit destroys 1 item, a Major or PERSONNEL
Catastrophic hit destroys all cargo. 1. Roll normally to hit.
FACTORS & CALCULATION Ammo: If it doesn't explode, the magazine 2. Victim makes LUCK test 15+. This does
Penetration: Average Damage/10, round off; for one random weapon is destroyed. not use up any LUCK points, unless the vic-
x2 for any type of AP; x1/2 for D6 weapons. Engine: A damaged or destroyed engine will tim wants to add points to the roll. Success
Armor Value: SP/20, round off. immobilize the vehicle. indicated that he takes 5D6 damage to a
Body Value: SDP/20; round off. Empty Space: The shot passes through random location. Armor works at half SP.
harmlessly. 3. If the LUCK test failed, divide average Ar-
COMBAT PROCEDURE mor SP by 20 to get the Armor Value. Sub-
1. Roll normally for to-hit. MINOR DAMAGE tract this from the weapon's Penetration. A
Equipment, system or weapon: 20% chance result of 0 or less, the victim takes 2D6 im-
2. Figure Penetration and Armor Modifi- that it is destroyed. If not destroyed, it will pact damage and loses 10SP of armor for
ers not work until repaired. every point of Penetration stopped. Multiply
Fuel: 25% chance of catching on fire (3d6 to results of 1+ by 10 to find the damage the
PENETRATION MODIFIERS each crewmember and 25% chance of ex- victim receives, his armor is also destroyed.
Per 10 points above target number ... +1/2 ploding each turn it is on fire). Fire extin-
Per additional round ........................... +1/4 guishers and damage-control systems re- INDIRECT FIRE
Long Range ......................................... -1/4 duce the chance of fire or explosion to 5%. The spotter must know where he, and the
Extreme Range .................................... -1/2 Crew: Each applicable crew member sus- target are. This requires a map and a Diffi-
tains 4D6 damage to a random loctaion. culty 15+ Wilderness Survival roll, or a sat-
ARMOR MODIFIERS Body armor will reduce damage as normal. ellite, or a computer navigation/GPS system.
Hitting vehicle from side ....................... 3/4 Mortars and launched grenades travel at
Bottom, back, or top .............................. 1/2 MAJOR DAMAGE 400m per turn, artillery shells travel at 600m
Equipment, system or weapon: 90% chance per turn. At the end of the turn when the
3. Subtract Armor Value from Penetration. that it is destroyed. If not destroyed, it will shells reach the target, after everybody has
If the result is 0 or more, go to step 4. If not not work until repaired. moved and taken their actions, roll for the
go to step 6. Engine/Explosive Ammo: 50% chance it will artillery to hit versus Difficulty 25+
explode demolishing the target. Fire extin-
4. Roll 1D10 and add positive difference guishers and damage-control systems re- Modifiers to the D10 roll are:
between Penetration and Armor Value. duce the chance of explosion to 10%. Spotter's (Heavy Weapons+INT)/2
Fuel: 50% chance of catching on fire (3d6 to Firer's Heavy Weapons/2
5. Subtract the target's Body Value, and each crewmember and 25% chance of ex- Visibility Modifiers that apply to the Spotter
refer to table below: ploding each turn it is on fire). Fire extin- +3/turn (max 4 turns) of spotted fire at the
guishers and damage-control systems re- same target area.
DAMAGE TABLE duce the chance of fire or explosion to 10%.
Die Roll ........................................... Result Crew: Each applicable crew member sus- If the shot hits, roll on the Grenade Table to
0 or less ............ Surface Damage (step 6) tains 6D6 damage to a random loctaion. see just where it hits and work out damage
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