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Beau and his mother turned to leave.
Chase stayed.
I said to leave, Mr. Bridges. Heather placed her hands on her hips.
You said fire would be bad. Chase waved his hand and a breeze blew Heather s
hat off, revealing pointed ears.
Heather squealed, covered her ears and glared at him.
You see, pixie he walked over to her and tilted her face I m an Air
Beau didn t hear the response as the door shut behind him.
You think because you re of the First Order, it makes you special? Heather pulled
away from Chase s touch.
The pixie had fire! He liked spirit in a woman. More than he cared to admit. He
didn t need the complications of a half-breed pixie. He could handle bending the rules of
The Veil. Their strong-arm tactics didn t bother him.
It not only makes me special. It makes you answerable to me. Not true, but she
didn t need to know.
Call me when you become one with the Earth; she is my only mistress. Heather
flounced her hair over her shoulder, meeting his gaze with one of green steel. She was a
sexy, stubborn thing.
What if I become one with you? You will be close enough. He advanced toward
No! She backed away, but her face flushed.
Not now, but some day I think we will. He left her staring at him.
She looked down at Jamie. You want to help me?
Of course. He was sincere.
Travel on the wind as fast as you can to collect the healing herbs.
He nodded.
If you don t know what I will need, ask a leaf.
I understand earth magick as well as any fairy, Chase whispered on the wind
before he opened the balcony doors and took flight.
Heather stared at her friend, and one question burned in her mind. What happened?
Chapter Thirteen
Beau snuck quietly into the suite. Jamie still lay in the tub, unconscious. What
happened to his little mermaid? Why was she so weak?
He tiptoed to the tub to see the moonlight play shadows on her skin beneath the
Her skin looked almost iridescent under this light. How could he keep her without
hurting her with what he was? Beau might not know, but he did know how to love her.
He tentatively ran his finger over her face, cupping her chin. Her eyes remained shut.
Her skin was still cold. He thought of how much he cared for her, and his hands began to
glow as he sent heat to her. It was odd her presence would allow him to generate heat
when she was his exact opposite.
Jamie s eyes fluttered open, and she gazed up at him. He loved those eyes. The dark
pools reminded him of the lake he never swam in, but now one day might.
Beau. Her voice was groggy.
Don t speak. You sound terrible. He smiled.
He pressed his fingers to her lips and shook his head. Are you cold? he asked.
She nodded.
He put his hand in the water, allowing the heat to warm the water.
Her firm breasts bobbed toward the surface. The nipples rose above the water like
island volcanoes.
Beau was not immune, so he lowered his head, sucking a tan nipple into his mouth.
He heard her sharp intake of breath. It only encouraged his assault. He moved toward the
other volcano and began torturing the pert bud.
Beau needed Jamie, but she wasn t ready for him yet. He dipped his hand below the
surface and played with heat along her skin. Beau was careful not to generate much, just
enough to warm her. He ran his finger over the mounds of her breasts as the mounds
flushed beneath his touch. Beau traced his finger over her navel. He loved the way he
slipped over her skin. He dipped his hand lower, fondling the dark curls and letting his
fingers gently part her folds.
Jamie arched against his hand.
Beau delved a finger inside her, coating it in her sweet cream before running his
fingers back over her anus and circling the rosebud.
She pressed against his fingers as if needing him to fill an orifice, but Jamie wasn t
ready, not yet.
He continued to dip his fingers into her wet cavern while massaging her hard clit.
Beau wouldn t be able to hold back not much longer. He felt his cock pressing
insistently against his tight blue jeans.
Jamie s hands started winding around his neck. She was panting now.
He grabbed the fluffy red towel left by the side of the tub and lifted her out while
swaddling her in the towel. Beau felt her shiver against him.
He found it hard to believe she was cold while he was on fire for her.
Jamie, I m going to fuck you, but I need to know&
Yes. It was a whisper barely audible, but it was enough.
Beau carried her to the bed and laid her gently on it. He needed to take off his
clothes. He kicked off his shoes and shuffled out of his socks.
Touch yourself. It was a command. He wished he hadn t said a word when she
parted her lovely thighs revealing her wet pussy. Her hole wept moisture made for his
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