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Master Me 45
to be in the real world anymore. Mandy still looked shaken as she
sat back down on her chair, her face still a bit pale, and her eyes
wide. Mitch began to look around for something else to sit down on,
not really wanting to get sand all over his pajama pants, which he
was relieved to discover he was wearing, when he was startled by the
appearance of another chair behind him. At the disconcerted look on
his face, Mandy began to giggle, morphing quickly into a low-pitched
laugh that had need tightening low in Mitch s belly. He sat down as
her laughter began to wind down.  Sorry, the look on your face was
priceless. It s my dream, so I can do anything I want in it.
Mitch considered her statement a moment.  You have lucid
 What does that mean? I didn t exactly get to finish high school,
remember? Her tone was teasing, though Mitch could detect an
underlying bitterness.
 It s where you re aware that what you are experiencing is a
dream, which gives you some control over the dream itself. He d
heard about the phenomenon and had tried it on multiple occasions,
but while he could become aware he was dreaming, he never could
control what was happening.
 Oh, yeah. I ve done that for years. It started with nightmares. I
always felt so helpless, with no control over what was happening to
me. Too much of that crap happens in my real life, so I started
fighting back the only way I could by creating a safe place for me to
escape to. I visit at least once a night now while I m sleeping, in
addition to any time I need to pull my mind away from my body. Like I
said, it s my escape. Mitch understood her unspoken words. She
mentally escaped here when she was being raped, escaping from the
moment the only way she could. He was impressed by her mental
strength and ability to focus despite the interference around her.
 Wow, that s powerful. You ll have to teach me how to gain that
level of focus. Mitch cast a glance around the area, confirming they
were completely alone. They could be on an uninhabited island for all
46 Meagan Hill
he knew.  So, because you re obviously in control, what am I doing
here? I assume you essentially summoned me?
 I don t know. Like I said, there has never been anyone else here.
I m always alone. What is the last thing you remember? Were you
sleeping? Are you dreaming this, too?
 The last thing I remember is going to sleep, holding you in my
arms. As for dreaming, I have no idea, though I m not surprised you
would star in my dreams. What were you thinking about a few minutes
ago right before I showed up? Perhaps that will give us a clue as to
what you might have wanted me for.
Oddly enough, a bright blush spread across Mandy s face before
she turned away to hide her reaction. Mitch became very intrigued.
Apparently unable or unwilling to answer his question aloud, she
simply handed him her book, open to the page she d been reading
when he d walked up and scared her. Mitch skimmed the page quickly
before freezing in place when the meaning of the words became clear.
She had been reading a smutty romance book and was in the middle
of a rather torrid sex scene. The realization was like a punch to his
gut, making him breathless and hard immediately. Mandy was
aroused by what she was reading and had summoned him as soon as
he d slipped into unconsciousness.
Mitch s blue eyes were intense and burning with lust when he
raised them to meet Mandy s. His normally relaxed face tensed with
his sexual excitement. A growl of need built within his chest as he
gently placed the book down on the ground near her chair, being sure
to keep her place. As he started to move toward her, she held up one
hand in the  stop position. Mitch froze immediately before sitting
back into his chair.
Mandy scooted forward in her chair before leaning toward Mitch,
clasping his large calloused hands with her small, delicate ones. Her
voice was pitched lower than normal, pulling a shudder of need from
him before he could focus on understanding her words.  There are
some things you need to know first, Mitch. Yes, I want you, in that
Master Me 47
way. That is a first for me. I haven t been attracted to a man since I
was enamored with *NSYNC back before I was taken. It took me a bit
to figure out what I was feeling. Beyond the physical chemistry that is
clearly between us, at least in my dreams, I am drawn to you mentally
as well as emotionally. I don t know how to explain it well. I just feel
like, well, like I can be who I really am with you, and I crave that. I
also feel incredibly safe with you. I know you won t hurt me. Plus, I
feel content with you, like I can finally relax. I have hope now, hope
that I can heal and become a whole person. Mandy took a moment
to regather herself before leaning her face into Mitch s warm hand
when he reached up to cup her cheek.
 Mandy, I am drawn to you as well. You are safe with me, I
promise you that. I won t ever hurt you. And I also promise to help
you heal as much as I can. It s not going to be easy or quick, but I
promise to be there every step of the way, as long as you ll let me.
Mitch stroked her cheek one more time with the back of his fingers
before reaching to take her hand once more, raising it to place a
gentle kiss on the back. He wanted to give her as much time to talk as
she needed. He could be patient. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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