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No one had to tell the three where Thorn Island was. It was easily visible
from the shore, and they could see why merchants sailed wide to avoid it. A
dark shadow hung over the small, bleak island. It was as if, as they turned
their heads to scan the horizon, someone dropped a translucent black scarf
over their faces just as the island came into view. Almost as ominous were the
charred walls of Sokol Keep itself, which jutted up, gray and
desolate-looking, from the low slate cliffs that made up the island's
"That councilman did say something about a reward in this for us if we bring
back information that helps them to recover the island, didn't he?" Ren asked.
"Personally, if we ever return from that place, the only reward I want is to
serve Tyr," said Tarl looking out at the blot of desolation defiling the bay.
Shal stared at the fortress with a mixture of fear and curiosity. "My master
told me about such places places enveloped in such darkness that they appear
shadowed even in bright sunlight. He said it was almost always a sign that
there were undead existing in torment."
Tarl blanched at the word "undead." He would rather face an army of orcs than
another specter or wraith ... or vampire. "Shal, I want you to wear this."
Tarl held out the medallion he had received from Sot.
"I have my own holy symbol. I can probably protect Ren for a little while if
we face any undead, but I don't have the skills to keep them away from both of
you. I don't know how good you are at your magic, but with a holy symbol of
Tyr protect-ing you, you should be even safer."
Shal removed the chain from Tarl's hand and looped it loosely around her neck.
"Thank you, Tarl" she said softly.
"C'mon, you two," urged Ren. "If we're not prepared for the worst now, we
never will be." Ren's eyes scanned the docks, searching for a boat for hire.
He didn't expect to find anyone who would take them to
Thorn Island. If they knew the destination, there might be precious few who'd
be willing to even let them
rent a boat. In fact, Ren fully expected that they might have to buy a boat
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Ten inquiries and an hour later, Ren finally found a crusty old boatman
willing to part with a decrepit row-boat. "You'll get your five silvers
deposit returned when I get my boat back," he cackled. The gnarly old man
threw his head back and laughed hard. "But I won't expect to be seein' it
ag'in till I get to the
Abyss!" he called, laughing even harder.
As they started toward the boat to load their gear, a trumpet sounded behind
them. They turned to see the trumpeter and a town crier, awaiting the approach
of Porphyrys Cadorna on a speckled horse with a great feather plume attached
to its bridle.
"Hear ye, hear ye!" the crier called loudly. "All stand and await the approach
of the honorable Porphyrys
Ca-dorna, Tenth Councilman of the City of Phlan." The her-ald stood at
attention while vendors, shoppers, and boatsmen milled about curiously.
Cadorna reined his mount to a stop immediately in front of Shal, Ren, and
Tarl. He waved his hand over the three and let out a low whistle. The big
inkeep, in partic-ular, looked striking in his fitted armor, and together the
three looked formidable. "I am impressed indeed," said Cadorna, casting his
eyes over the group. "Perhaps, un-like your unfortunate predecessors, you will
be the first group worthy of the council's trust. You are charged, as was
explained to you last evening, with the task of discovering the secret
surrounding the darkness that makes Sokol Keep and Thorn Island
Ren stifled a caustic reply. He knew that "worthy of the council's trust"
could be translated "who might come back alive," but there was nothing to be
gained by chal-lenging the man. At least they weren't being tossed over the
wall of the city at night, which was widely rumored to be the fate of some
criminals. "I don't suppose you'd care to foot the bill for the boat, would
you, Your Honor?"
"If you bring it back, I'll buy it from you ... for an ex-cellent price," said
Cadorna with a grin. "Which reminds me ... it has come to my attention that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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