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a window from which the soul looks out upon the fields of creation. All
the upper portions of the face, including the bodily eyes, are also
illuminated. Good clairvoyants, however, are generally not illuminated in
the highest regions of the brain, but only in the base of the cerebrum,
extending from the centre of the forehead to either side and downward to
the top of the cheek bones. This is the source or locality of the mental
perceptions. Clairvoyance implies the clear perception of things beyond
the powers of the bodily vision, but it does not imply understanding all
the things observed. The organs of perception are particularly excited by
the flow of the sensational medium into them. The vision extends in
straight lines when distance is subjected to contemplation, and yet as with
the bodily eyes, the interior perceptions harmonize very readily with the
rays of light and electricity, which play abroad in nature, so that the vision
usually comprehends fully half of a very large disc.'
A Guide to Mediumship 267
Healing by the laying on of hands is an ancient method of restoring the
sick, and differs from hypnotism in that the patient is not put to sleep;
and from mesmerism in that no will-power or gazing are needed; and from
massage in that no rubbing or kneading is employed.
Many students of spiritual therapeutics believe that there is a universal
force, ether, life principle, or aura which pervades all things, and that when
the healer can relate himself consciously to this power and vibrate in
unison with it, he feels it flow through him to others as an energy which
establishes in them new conditions of health. Whether any fluid 'virtue' or
force magnetic or vital passes from the healer to his patient, or whether
it is only a wave or vibratory motion that is set up and communicated
from one to the other, is a matter which is yet in dispute. Many people
attribute the results to 'suggestion' on the part of the operator, and
expectancy, or faith, on the part of the subject: but, as a writer has
expressed it: 'If suggestion can produce an effect it is as much a positive
force as electricity, and passes from one terminal to another.'
We have experienced extreme exhaustion after treating the sick, and
have felt thoroughly 'used up,' while the sufferer has been conscious of a
great increase of his vital force; and if the testimony of clairvoyants counts
for anything, there are auric emanations which pass from the healer and
are absorbed by the patient. Upon this point the following selection from
the teachings given to 'M. A. (Oxon)' by his spirit instructors, and
published in 'Light,' will be interesting: 'In the mesmeric passes is a force
conveyed from the operator to the patient, or not?' Answer: 'Assuredly. A
stream of vital force is conveyed; as you may prove by the fact that a
rapport is established between the two, so that the operator will
frequently carry away the ailment which he cures, only in a milder form.
And he will surely convey to the patient any pain under which he chances
to be suffering. Hence care should be taken that only healthy operators
should be allowed.'
268 A Guide to Mediumship
We have seen magnetic healers, who before visiting their patients were
full of buoyant strength and spirits, return from a treatment that was
unduly prolonged looking haggard and ill and thoroughly exhausted. They
had certainly, in some way, parted with considerable vitality and were fit
only to sleep and thus recoup and replenish their stock of energy. Herr
Reichel states that recent investigations on the part of leading Continental
students on this subject have experimentally proved that the magnetic
radiations of mankind have an objective appearance, and he further
contends that 'suggestion' can only be effective 'when the receiver's brain
has a quantity of vital power at its disposal which can be guided by the
suggestion to the seat of disease.' Dr. von Stuckrad says, and his
testimony upon this point is borne out by many others: 'I am convinced
that by direct contact of the magnetizer's hands on the patient a
stimulating and agreeable influence is felt which can be compared to a
strong stream on the nervous system. I experience a feeling of increased
warmth under the palms of the hands, which then quickly spreads on all
sides if the hands are applied to the back by the spinal column or on the
pit of the stomach.'* [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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