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swing a cane like Ashley."
"Left you smarting and sighing for more, did he?" Damian
asked, nodding sympathetically. "I don't think you want to
make him angry with unprofessional behavior though. That
might have a more lasting impact on your wallet than your
"You're right," Markie sighed. "A hard Top is good to find."
A Strong Hand
by Catt Ford
Damian laughed. "Go get into your costume and right back
out so we can truss you up."
Markie flashed him a rueful smile. "You have no idea how
hard these types of shoots make me."
"We have cages or rings, if you need a little help," Damian
said with a grin.
"It's okay. I can hold out." Markie went to change.
"Anything for me today?" Nick asked, his mouth watering
as he watched Damian slide the supple leather cuffs through
his slender fingers.
"I think I'd like to see you in these," Damian said
thoughtfully. "Get Ashley to find you a pair of those low-rise
leather trousers. Black is fine."
"They only come in black," Nick sighed. "So
Damian laughed. "What color would you like if you could
"Well, yellow is my favorite, but even I don't think I'd like
to prance about in bright yellow leather trousers," Nick
grinned. He reached to touch the wine leather cuff. "Perhaps
that dark red might be nice."
Damian brought himself firmly under control. "Well, better
get changed. Markie's ready and I have to buckle him in.
Good thing I own horses, what with all this harness to deal
Nick almost snorted his water through his nose. "It is a bit
... horsey, isn't it?"
A Strong Hand
by Catt Ford
"Wait'll you see what I can do with a riding crop, pet,"
Damian purred, watching Nick's lashes flicker quickly. "Go!
Get dressed or "
"I'm going," Nick said, twitching his backside away from
Damian's hand and sticking out his tongue. He wondered
pleasurably what Damian would do to pay him for that later.
Markie sighed again as he came up to Damian and turned
around, crossing his hands behind his waist.
"Bright red?" Damian asked dubiously. "Ashley gave you
fire-engine red PVC shorts?"
"No, Derek, that assistant guy, but he said these are the
ones Ashley wanted."
Damian strapped the blond's wrists behind him and patted
him on the shoulder. "Sorry, Markie, but it wouldn't have
worked if Ashley was thinking of someone else all the time."
"I know. It's a bummer but I'm over it." Markie shook his
head as though banishing the thoughts of what might have
been. "Where do you want me?"
"Just there," Damian said, guiding him into a pool of light.
"I'm going back behind the camera and I'm going to ask you
to take baby steps forward until the light is right, okay?"
They got back to business, resuming their roles on
opposite sides of the camera.
* * * *
The scent of male arousal was on the air by the time
Damian released Nick's wrists from behind his back, where
they'd been linked together with a silver chain that wrapped
around his waist, leading upward to connect to his collar. Nick
A Strong Hand
by Catt Ford
knelt in a pool of light against a dark red mottled canvas. The
soft box had illuminated his bent head and the angular line of
his shoulders, as he knelt, facing away from the camera, his
elegant back narrowing to a slim waist. The lush roundness of
his buttocks was highlighted by the reflection from the leather
Damian helped him to his feet and ran his hand down the
boy's spine. "Hip okay?"
"Yeah, thanks," Nick said, sighing with relief as his wrists
were freed.
"Get changed," Damian said casually. Leaning in close, his
lips brushing Nick's ear, he breathed an order. "Leave the
cuffs on under your shirt, pet."
"Uh, yes sir," Nick responded stupidly. He felt his blood
flow south; his cock started to swell and his brain disengaged.
Damian smirked as he turned away, knowing just the effect
his voice was having on the boy.
Ashley observed dispassionately, "You really shouldn't do
that to him, Damian. We need him alert and ready."
"Oh, he's ready," Damian said smugly.
"So, are we going for dinner?" Derek asked brightly, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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