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been ignored or silenced to protect the true perpetrators within the
Hordon said that only a small part of the radio transmissions
between air traffic controllers has been released to the public, and
some have even been shredded. That is what happened to the
recordings of conversation between six Air Route Traffic Control
Center controllers in New York. Otherwise, they would clearly show
who was really behind the attack. He said:
They cherry picked transmissions, communication, and state-
ments made on these four flights that were able to paint and
write a story that the public would look at and say: Oh wow!
This really happened; but it wasn't factual. It was just a story
and it did not tell anything other than what the high perps
[perpetrators] wanted the public to hear.110
The President Takes Charge
What was the President doing at this time? On the morning of
9-11, President Bush was scheduled for a publicity appearance at
the Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida. His
mission was to be photographed listening to children read. When
he left his hotel that morning, the first plane had already struck.
A reporter asked if he knew what was going on in New York.
Bush answered yes but said he would give a statement later.111
Let s freeze that frame. The President knew that the nation was
under attack by terrorists, but he didn t let that interfere with busi-
ness as usual.
110 To hear a recording of the entire interview, go to: www.pilotsfor911truth.org .
111 Special Report,  Planes Crash into World Trade Center, ABC News, Sept. 11,
2001. Copy of report is archived at www.unansweredquestions.net/timeline/
2001/abcnews091101.html .
The Chasm The Future Is Calling
Americans might have expected their president and commander-
in-chief to become a human dynamo, to return immediately to Air
Force One to take command. We might have expected him to be
concerned for the safety of himself, his entourage, and especially
the school children who might become collateral victims of a
possible strike against the President, but none of that happened.
His top priority at that critical moment was to be photographed
listening to children read.
By now, almost everyone has seen the photos and video of the
moment President Bush was informed of the impact of the second
plane. His Chief-of-Staff Andrew Card whispered the news into his
ear; a somber look came across his face; but there was absolutely
no sign of shock or surprise.
Now that the second plane had struck, did the President then leap
out of his chair, contact his commanders, and initiate counter
measures? No. He just continued to sit there listening to children
read about a pet goat. Then he gave a short speech, and didn t leave
the school until another half-hour had passed.112
This reaction or, more precisely, lack of reaction, speaks volumes
and it leads to three conclusions:
1. The President did not appear surprised because he wasn t
surprised. Why should he be? The government had been
expecting Bonjinka for six years, and they even knew the
exact date on which it would be executed.
2. He was not concerned about his safety because he knew the
probable targets. Please notice that he was not in the White
House on that day. And we might be excused for noticing that
General Myers was not at the Pentagon, either. Neither was
his former superior, General Shelton, who was somewhere
over the Atlantic on his way to Europe.113
3. He did not leap into action to direct counter measures,
because there was a prior decision to  standown and allow
the attacks to succeed. In other words, it was a decision to
In military terms, standown means to deliberately refrain from
defense as a strategic move to implement some higher objective.
112 The second impact occurred at 9:03 A.M. The President began his speech at
9:30 and left shortly thereafter. See  Remarks by President Bush after two
planes crash into World Trade Center, White House Press Release,
www.azcentral.com/news/specials/sept11/key-911schoolstatement.html . [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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