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Irish playboy!
He sighed.  Don t you think that s a little harsh?
Rowan crossed her arms over her chest and scowled.  I m not spending one minute with him protecting
me and that s that.
 Darling, such venom! Anyone just overhearing would think you didn t like me very much.
Rowan whirled. Jack had slinked back in the room at some point and sat comfortably slouched in a
recliner that flanked the big screen TV.
 Nobody s talking to you, Rent-A-Cop. She didn t miss the way his eyes narrowed at the dig but she
was too incensed to care. She swung back to her father, prepared to dig in her heels. Jack s voice had
her swinging back in his direction.
 Simon, why don t you give me a moment with your delight of a daughter. He merely raised one
eyebrow when she hissed at him.  Perhaps I can convince her to be more cooperative.
Rowan held her tongue until her father closed the door behind him. As soon as she heard the snick of the
latch, she exploded.  What the hell are you playing at, Jack?
He merely stared at her, eyebrow raised.  Rowan, you re becoming overwrought. Perhaps you d like a
drink to calm yourself?
 No, I do not want a drink. She all but snarled it as he rose slowly out of the chair. She narrowed her
eyes as she watched him stretch to his full height, knowing the deliberateness of the gesture was meant to
intimidate. Had she been less angry, it might have worked.
 Well, I do. He sauntered over to the bar, turning his back on her as he fixed himself a drink, and
infuriating her even more in the process.
The second he turned to face her again, she let fly.  If you think that convincing my father there s some
kind of danger from a religious nut is going to be enough to get me into your bed 
 Stop right there. His eyes had gone flat and cold, his voice harsh enough to send chills racing over her
skin.  Your father is one of the best friends I ve ever had and I take threats to him and his very seriously.
Don t flatter yourself into thinking I d make all this up just to get you under me.
Rowan subsided, properly chastened.  I m sorry, that was uncalled for. I know you re loyal to him and
I m grateful for it.
He inclined his head.  Apology accepted. His dark eyes glittered at her from above the rim of the glass
as he sipped his scotch.  Of course, I m not so foolish as to let an opportunity slip past.
Rowan threw her hands into the air.  I give up!
She narrowed her eyes at his suddenly enthusiastic expression.  No.
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 Thought not, he said.  That would ve been too good to be true.
Rowan swallowed hard as he advanced on her. She barely refrained from taking a reflexive step
backward, only the knowledge that it s what he expected her to do kept her from it.  What re you
He rolled his eyes.  Jesus, Rowan. I m not going to make you my love slave or whatever hideous
scenario you re imagining in that fertile mind of yours. He set his glass on the coffee table and spread his
arms wide in a gesture intended to put her at ease. Funny how it didn t.  I just want to talk about the plan
your father and I have come up with.
 Fine. She watched as he sat in the chair her father had just vacated. Somehow, with him in it, the
oversize club chair looked like doll furniture.
 Rowan. She pulled her eyes from the mass of his torso filling the chair to his face. He rolled his eyes at
her, pointed to the couch.  Sit down.
She sat, struggling to appear comfortable and relaxed. Tough job, considering her muscles were so tense
they quivered. He knew it too he always did. The son of a bitch.
 So. She crossed her legs, met his gaze with a bravado she was far from feeling.  What s with the
Army of God and why does Dad think they re serious enough to actually do something?
His gaze flickered over the length of her thighs encased in worn denim that stretched with her
movements, but his voice when he answered her was serious.  The main reason is that they ve changed
leaders in the last six months. And the new guy is a nut.
Rowan frowned, momentarily distracted from the tension being near him produced.  Right. Stephen Job.
He wasn t always in charge of the Army?
Jack shook his head.  No, he was always with them but his vision didn t quite gel with the aspirations of
the rest of the leadership. He s not interested in having political power he believes what he s preaching
is gospel truth and he s made it his mission to convert the masses. And those he can t convert, he ll
eliminate. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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