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correspond with our address and the meters read for our bills.
3. I would like for you to check for leaks in the plumbing system external to our home to see if
water is leaking.
Thank you for your time and prompt attention to this matter. I trust you will rectify these prob-
lems as soon as possible.
Sumita Patel
Sumita Patel
BETTER WRITING RIGHT NOW! APPENDIX Model Essays and Workplace Writing
City Utilities
700 West Fruth Street
Jacksonville, MO 64829
(216) 471-7789
June 2, 2002
Sumita Patel
2345 Main Street
Jacksonville, MO 64829
Re: Account no. 211558378612
Dear Ms. Patel:
This letter will serve to confirm our telephone conversation of June 2, 2002, wherein I advised you
that City Utilities has decided not to hold you liable for the outstanding balance for the above ref-
erenced account. I further advised you that City Utilities has dismissed any claim it has against
you concerning said account and will recall your file from the credit agency to which it has been
inadvertently sent.
Carmen Hernandez
Carmen Hernandez
Attorney for City Utilities
cc: Credit Collections
P.O. Box 347
Killeen, TX 76540
cc: Mitchell Jaekle, Attorney-at-law
Model Essays and Workplace Writing APPENDIX BETTER WRITING RIGHT NOW!
American Mortgage Company
P.O. Box 19876, Minneapolis, MN 55440
January 22, 2002
Sumita Patel
2345 Main Street
Jacksonville, MO 64829
Dear Ms. Patel:
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about your recent experience with American Mort-
gage Company. You mentioned a number of errors that occurred during the processing of your
mortgage loan. It is our intention to provide a worry-free process to our customers. I assure you
that the service you received is not typical of what we provide. Please accept my apology for the
Now that your loan has gone through, you will be working with our servicing office personnel.
They are located in Frederick, Maryland and can be reached at 1-800-555-3467. Your loan ref-
erence number is 57430238. I am confident that you will be pleased with the service.
Again, thank you for your comments and for choosing American Mortgage Company for your
loan. We will be working hard over the life of your loan and hope you will be pleased with our
service in the future. We value your business and want to keep it.
Tim Walton
Tim Walton
Customer Service Representative
BETTER WRITING RIGHT NOW! APPENDIX Model Essays and Workplace Writing
Fancy Chips
1003 Frankford Avenue / Jacksonville, TX 75766
Phone: 548-222-8904 / Fax: 548-282-7004
Website: www.fancychips.com
March 29, 2002
Jean-Luc Bibaud
24 Main Street
New Summerville, MA 02821
Dear Mr. Bibaud:
Thank you for your recent letter about the black substance you found in a package of Fancy Potato
Chips. We have analyzed the substance you provided and determined that it is simply a piece of
charred potato. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
We take a lot of pride in the quality of our chips and make every effort to keep charred pieces of
potatoes from being packaged with our Fancy Chips products. In fact, we filter the oil used to fry
the potatoes and clean our equipment regularly. We also carry out visual inspections of our chips
before they are packaged. Although we take these measures, sometimes a piece of burned potato
will make its way into a package of our Fancy Potato Chips.
Please accept my apology for the unpleasant experience you had with Fancy Potato Chips. I am
enclosing coupons for two free packages of Fancy Potato Chips and hope that you will find these
packages exceed your expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if you have any
other problems or concerns about our products.
LaToya Jones
LaToya Jones
Customer Service Representative
Model Essays and Workplace Writing APPENDIX BETTER WRITING RIGHT NOW!
Publish Yourself! Inc.
P.O. Box 783, Jasper, ND 34902
Phone: 819-345-8923 Fax: 819-348-7834
Website: www.publishyourselfnow!com
April 9, 2001
Meinrad Meister
2894 Snow White Drive
Mansfield, FL 69821
Dear Mr. Meister: [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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