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These alone cannot bring happiness, though -- not even owning a private
yacht nor the entire Bank of England.
Men and women thrive on love. Each one has a deep psychological need
to be cared for.
Love is a potent force. Poets immortalized its power in ballade, song,
parchment and story.
Love launched ships, caused the division of clans and brought ruin to
The power of love cannot be underestimated. Man breathes love as
surely as he breathes oxygen. Love gives life.
To be loved is to be cared for in a special way that is uniquely different
from the next person. Loving is caring and satisfying deep emotional
Show this care with special words and actions that fill these needs, and
that special person you care for will start caring back. This is the principle
of romance. Give and you receive.
Romance Theory holds three tenets, based soundly upon psychological
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Romance Theory -
· We like people who like us first. We tend to get attracted to
someone who displays attraction to us. Also, we prefer that people like us
first before we like them. The best way to get the ball rolling is to start
manifesting attraction instead of hiding it.
· Romance begins with someone initiating contact; once someone
has taken the initiative, there will exist a natural urge in the other person
to respond positively. This principle declares that a relationship begins
only with someone taking the first step. No--it doesn't have to be the man
to do so. Women can initiate by engaging the man in lighthearted
· An upbeat personality allures. We love happy people. We bask in
their presence. One can be more attractive by acting happy. The quickest
way to add ten more points to your allure quotient is by smiling and
radiating bliss. Negative opinions, and beak outlooks should be minimized
at the start of a romantic escapade. Conversation should include positive
and optimistic material. The first contact is not yet the time to discuss
debts, a pending murder trial or a recent AIDS infection.
Winning the Love Game
The previous principles underlie the up-coming techniques that make
falling in love and attracting others a painless and delightful game. It is a
timeless game that reaps happiness for the victorious.
Flirting, attracting and mesmerizing -- this is the game of seduction.
Those unskilled at this art behave boorishly, often repelling instead of
attracting. Seduction, despite it's contaminated connotation, is pure. It is
an innocent act whereby one identifies the secret needs of the other and
satisfies these needs.
Flirtation is just the beginning phase of seduction. During this phase, the
man or the woman makes obvious his or her attraction. Once successful,
the true seduction occurs. Seduction occurs at an emotional, physical and
spiritual level. That is why seduction ends with two people falling in love.
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Romance theory must now give way to technique. Use these techniques
and reap the bounty of romance.
The Techniques of Seduction.
Make the First Move. People can die waiting. It doesn't pay to hunker by
the sidelines. Keep waiting, and not just life, but love will pass you by.
Patience is a virtue, but it doesn't help to keep waiting till old age. The
right man or woman may never approach you. They may also be waiting
to be approached!
Remember that to get a reaction, you must act first. Seize the initiative
and you will get a positive response. Romeo, Don Juan and James Bond
never waited to be approached. They made the first move. Someone has
to make the first move. It might as well be you.
Energize yourself with optimistic thoughts. Relax. Adrenalin tends to rush
in these instances. Adrenalin is necessary to outrace rabid dogs, but it
can mess up your chances of charming the object of your desire.
Notice how clammy your hands get, how your pulse quickens? Breathe
deeply for 15 seconds as slowly as you can. This will lower your heart
rate. Apply the 180 degree think method mentioned earlier in this book.
When your systems normalize, make the approach.
Don't use any of the passé, corny pick-up lines. They are degrading. The
best opening gambit would be:
"Hi! I can't help but notice you. My name is ___________. May I have the
pleasure of your company?"
Believe it or not, this line works better than all the rest. Simple, and direct,
it communicates sincerity. If you can, spice it with a dash of humor.
To buttress your chances of getting even more noticed, following up with
a compliment or a question can help. Observe her carefully and decide
upon a not-so-obvious character trait or accessory that you can
compliment on. Make your compliment sincere. False flattery always
Study the body language of your prospect. Should it be closed, mirror that
closed posture, then slowly open up yours. Subconsciously, she will follow
suit, and when she does, so will her frame of mind. It's a sly move used by
specially trained individuals to promote receptivity.
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The Happy Virus. Infect her with happiness. Make excitement and delight
surge through you. Let your eyes sparkle. Smile. Grin broadly. Happiness
is contagious. Be glad to be around that person. Let your intonation drip
with mirth. Two happy people can discover miracles in each other. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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