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package directions. Powdered, chlorinated lime
salmonella and giardiasis are diseases that
is available at building supply stores. It can be
spread rapidly in times of emergency and
used dry. Be sure to get chlorinated lime, not
threaten all, yet are all diseases that can easily
quick lime which is highly alkaline and
be controlled by simply following the rules of
good sanitation.
Emergency Childbirth
3. The contractions will get stronger and more
frequent. The mother will often make an
Emergency Childbirth
involuntary, deep grunting, moan with each
contraction. The delivery of the baby is now
When birth is imminent and medical help is
unavailable, it is important to understand the
normal course of labor and childbirth. The
What To Do During the First Stage
mother and anyone who is helping can make the
birth easier and safer by knowing exactly what is
Those helping the mother should know how to
happening and how best to help.
time the contractions. This information will give
them an idea as to how far into labor the mother
Labor is Divided into Three Stages
is and how much time remains until the baby
First Stage - the womb contracts by itself to
open and bring the baby down to the birth canal.
Place a hand on the mother s abdomen just
above the umbilicus. As contractions begin you
Second Stage - the mother pushes (bears
will feel a hardening ball. Time the interval from
down) with the contractions of the womb to help
the moment the uterus begins to harden until it
the baby through the birth canal and out into the
completely relaxes.
Time the intervals in minutes between the start
Third Stage - the afterbirth is expelled.
of one contraction and the start of the next
First Stage contraction. As labor progresses this time will
In this early part of labor it is often helpful for
Walking or standing tends to shorten labor, so if
the mother to keep occupied as long as she
that feels comfortable to the mother, let her.
does not get too tired. She should be patient
Also, if she becomes hungry or thirsty, let her
and calm, relaxing as the contractions come
eat or drink small amounts of food, fruit juice, or
and go and breathing slowly and deeply during
suck on ice chips.
the contractions as they become strong.
Emptying the bowels and frequent urination will
help to relieve discomfort. The mother will
Don t Leave the Mother Alone
know she is in true labor if she has regular
contractions of the womb which are prolonged Make no attempt to wipe away vaginal
and become strong and closer together. When secretions, as this may contaminate the birth
she knows the baby is on the way, she should canal. The bag of water may rupture during this
choose a place to have the baby that will be stage of labor and blood tinged mucous may
clean and peaceful. She should be able to lie appear.
down or sit in a leaning position (with her back
At the end of the first stage, the mother may
well supported).
feel tired, discouraged and irritable. This is
The following events occur as part of the first often referred to as transition and is the most
stage of labor and delivery. uncomfortable part of labor and such feelings
are perfectly normal. The mother may have a
1. The state of dilation: the first signs may be
backache, may vomit, may feel either hot or
noticeable only to the mother, low-backache
cold (or both at the same time), she may
and irregular cramping pains (contractions)
tremble, feel panicky or scared, cry or get very
in the lower abdomen.
cross with her husband and birthing attendants.
2. As labor progresses, the contractions She may even announce that she has changed
become stronger, last longer, and become her mind and is not going through with it. At this
more regular. When the contractions recur time she needs plenty of encouragement and
at regular 3-4 minute intervals and last from assurance that things are proceeding normally
50-60 seconds, the mother is in the latter and that her feelings are normal.
part of the first stage.
Birth attendants, the husband, and others
present at the labor and birth should have a
cheerful, calm appearance. Nervousness,
Emergency Childbirth
panic, or distressing remarks can have an contraction. She may even sleep between
inhibiting effect on a laboring woman. contractions.
Comments on how long the labor is lasting, how
Some general instructions for the second stage
pale or tired the woman looks can have a
of labor:
terrible effect on her morale. Even talking
quietly can irritate a woman having an intense 1. Be calm! Reassure the mother and be
contraction because it is hard to concentrate on prepared to administer first aid to both the
relaxing when there is noise in the room. mother and baby. (Possible respiratory and
cardiac resuscitation for the baby and
Relaxation is very important. A woman s
hemorrhage control and prevention of
husband or labor coach should instruct her to go
shock for the mother may be needed).
limp like a rag doll and breath deeply, making
her tummy rise and fall. This is called 2. Discourage onlookers from crowding around
abdominal breathing. Begin each contraction the mother.
with a deep breath to keep the tissues (of both
3. Use sterile materials or the cleanest
mom and baby) oxygenated. Observe the kind
materials available. Clean towels or parts of
of breathing you do when you are nearly asleep
the mother's clothing can be used. Place
and try to simulate it. Help her to relax her
newspaper under the mother if nothing else
hands, face, legs etc. if you see that they are
is available. If she must lie on the ground,
tense. Tenseness in the body fights the
place a blanket or other covering under her.
contractions and intensifies the sensations of
pain. Relaxation helps a woman to handle the
4. In order to prevent infection, refrain from
contractions easier and have a faster labor.
direct contact with the vagina.
Sometimes a woman will breathe too fast and
5. Prepare for the delivery by assisting the
get tingling sensations in her hands and feet.
mother to lie on her back with the knees
She needs to be coached to slow down her
bent and separated as far apart as possible.
breathing. You can have her follow your
Remove any constricting clothing or push it
breathing until the tingling goes away.
above her waist.
Firm hand pressure on the lower back by those
6. When the baby's head reaches the outlet of
attending the mother may help to relieve the
the birth canal, the top of the head will first
back ache. Alternately, the mother may prefer
be seen during contractions but will then
to lean her back against a firm surface. Deep
become visible all the time. The mother will
rhythmical breathing helps to relieve annoying
now feel a stretching, burning sensation.
symptions. The discomfort seldom lasts for
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