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basic "features and benefits," pitch, customer smiles and says, "Sounds
great, can I pay cash?"
This is a laydown. Up to now, they're few and far between. After you master
these patterns? They'll happen more and more often.
That uncomfortable feeling you get when you make a suggestion, and the
person you're talking to looks like they just ate a lemon? That'll happen less
and less.
George Hutton Objection Destruction mindpersuasion.com
Pretty soon it will only take you ten or twenty minutes and the person you're
talking to will look at your suggestion like it's the most obvious idea in the
You: Hey, why don't you buy the extended warranty?
Them: Great idea!
You: Say, I think you'd better get our gold plan.
Them: You know, I was thinking the same thing!
You: So, you wanna go back to my place?
Them: I thought you'd never ask!
You: I think we should start seeing other people.
Them: Yes, I agree that would be best. You're a great friend!
George Hutton Objection Destruction mindpersuasion.com
The mind is a wonderful and mysterious thing. Mother Nature, God, Random
Chance, aliens, or whoever, designed our brains to be fast, but inaccurate.
Many of our beliefs will simply NOT stand up to logical scrutiny. Since most
people never really question their beliefs with any degree of objectivity,
they're ripe for rewriting.
So long as you do this a mutually positive outcome in mind, you can make
tons of money, get a lot of compliance, and create a lot of happy people out
there who'll readily turn into eager beavers that'll go along with nearly
anything you suggest.
You can even help people, your friends, family, and colleagues, overcome
years of unhelpful and limiting beliefs, making your relationships even
Just remember to always keep in mind that people's beliefs are strongly tied
to their sense of self. So long as you tread carefully, and structure your
"arguments" so they can "see the light" on their own terms, you'll be fine.
Just keep on practicing these, look for any objections you can find, and
reframe them any way you can.
Thanks for reading. Any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
I'm always happy to help out any way I can.
George Hutton Objection Destruction mindpersuasion.com
Answers Common Sales Objections
These are the most common you'll likely hear whenever selling anything
Each one is followed by reframes from each of the 18 patterns. Take any
objections you're dealing with now, and find the closest ones on the list.
You'll have 18 ready-made "comebacks" you can use on your sales pages,
sales calls, and any other conversation you can think of.
 I need to think about it.
Pattern 1 - Meta Frame
Do you always take a long time before deciding to do the most important
thing in your life? I understand your need to think about it, but to some
people, doing what's necessary is an immediate realization.
Pattern 2 - Change Frame Size
How long would it take until you feel comfortable making the decision to buy
this today?
Pattern 3 - Apply To Self (A to A)
How long before you realize you need this?
Pattern 4 - Apply To Self (B to B)
What about this aren't you sure about?
Pattern 5 - Reality Strategy
George Hutton Objection Destruction mindpersuasion.com
For how long? What specifically haven't you understood about this product
and why it very well could solve your problem much sooner than you think?
Pattern 6 - Model of the World
That's an interesting way to look at things. Most people, when they see a
product like this that can immediately solve their problems and give them
[benefit], they decide immediately that they don't need to shop around any
Pattern 7 - Intent
You'd like to buy a product that you are sure it is going to satisfy your needs.
I totally understand that. That's precisely why we have a robust support
system and a ninety day money back guarantee.
Pattern 8 - Redefine A Not Equal To B
Needing to think about it doesn't mean that you should wait, it means
you've stumbled across one of the most effective products around.
Pattern 9- Redefine B Not Equal To A
You shouldn't buy this not because you need to think about it, but because it
won't do anything for you. Since that's clearly not the case, I recommend
that you buy this right away.
Pattern 10 - Counter Example
Have you ever bought something on the spur of the moment that turned out
to be one of the greatest decisions you've ever made?
Pattern 11 - Chunk Up
As a general rule, do you always think about things that can have a positive
benefit on your life?
George Hutton Objection Destruction mindpersuasion.com
Pattern 12 - Chunk Down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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