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this great product, but still...I DON'T suggest newbies start out trying
to make money with affiliate marketing! It was the perfect product for
my audience, it took a lot of work developing my readers to the point
where they were ready for such a product, and I rarely endorse such
high priced  launches (maybe once per year if the product is
PERFECT). Go back and read section 5.3 for my advice regarding
affiliate marketing.
We do Consulting. I also get paid to consult individuals and business
on their approach to internet marketing and business.
I blog, make youtube videos and write books like this one to
attract my ideal prospects and educate them on the concepts that will
help them grow.
Concluding thoughts for Chapter 6:
I now have over 50 people around the world who work either for or
with me in some capacity, and we add dozens of new prospects and
several new clients every day. I've built multiple systems without
hiring a single employee. It's a fully transferable business as well,
which means all I need is an Internet connection and I could live
anywhere in the world! And it all started out quite simply - as you
read at the start of this book.
The point is, you have to start small and build up gradually. If you
persist, even a  small start can be VERY profitable, and you have a lot
of great ways to grow as you get your momentum.
If you are already started, aspire to grow and expand by automating
and using the ideas, skills and tools I'm showing you. There are so
many distractions that can waste your time  I'm trying to help you
avoid those.
Chapter 7: Going Offline
Businesses around the world (online and offline businesses)
need your help! NOW!
 Going offline is one of the biggest business opportunities in the
world, in my opinion. Right now as you are reading this chapter the
demand for people who can apply simple, effective marketing
strategies is growing and the supply of trained experts is lagging far
behind. This is creating a HUGE opportunity for those of us who  get
I know this opportunity is huge because I see it everyday in my own
business. I've had clients happily pay me $750 per hour or more in
this opportunity. I've spent half a day with businesses that pay me
very well, buy me lunch and surround me with VIP's to help them
make the most basic of marketing decisions. I turn down clients
constantly because they can't afford me...but if you are willing to take
less than $750 per hour you can find plenty of work (and you WON'T
be the one doing the  work if you read this entire chapter).
This one trend is creating more success stories among online
entrepreneurs than virtually any other concept to ever hit the Internet,
and while this many sound like a sales pitch, I've got nothing to sell as
I reveal the details of this opportunity. I'm just laying it out for you as
best I can.
On OfflineBiz.com we have over 12,000 active
members all hanging out in our forums and
discussing how to best assist each other and profit
from this mega-trend! Stop in  many of the
forums and resources are free on that site!
Here are the trends that are leading us towards this  offline bonanza :
" Traditional advertising methods are failing to get the results they
once did for traditional businesses (TV, Radio, Newspaper, direct
mail, billboards, Yellow Pages, etc. are all failing).
" More and more  offline businesses (like restaurants, lawyers,
tattoo artists, pet groomers, etc.) are waking up to the
realization that  marketing is no longer a matter of applying
traditional strategies like I just listed above. They know they
need to go online if they want to survive and grow.
" In most cases, websites that were built to help these businesses
aren't generating any new business for the most part.
" Traditional businesses feel stuck and a bit confused by it all.
They need help.
Enter the  offline marketer :
" You are the guy (or gal of course) who gets the phone ringing
" You are the guy who gets the leads coming in again for pennies
instead of dollars per lead.
" You are the guy who makes marketing make sense again to
traditional businesses.
Even if you don't feel technically capable of what I've just described
you must trust me and go check out this website:
That site has 11,000 members (as I write this, it's growing!) spread [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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