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here has ssliss eggs by the cartload, and I dunno how many women have been
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baking. Let's get organized, folks!" He sprang down from the dais, genially
pushing one group one way, another toward the doors, gesturing at the fire
pits that were already glowing.
"We have the crop of our berry harvest to offer,' called out Hrrmova of the
Third Hrruban Village.
"A bounty of blackberries and drroilanas."
"The Launch Bar will donate beer, mlada, and wine,' the owner called.
"If any spacers come wanting a drink, they'll have to find me here. I
don't want to miss a minute of the celebration."
"That's the spirit,' Vic Solinari cheered him.
"Hrrestan, where should I put my two hundred kilos of good aged urfa cheese?"
"We shall find a place, my friend,' the Hrruban said, "for I know that many
Hrrubans are particularly fond of that commodity."
"And the hunters of First Village,' Hu Shih said, "have made a record catch of
the hatchlings. Snake stew must be on the menu."
"We're doing all this for nothing!" Martinson of the Launch Center shouted,
pushing through a crowd which had recovered its hope.
"We'll all be off this planet before that food can be cooked, much less
served." But this warning elicited more jeers than agreement.
"You may leave now, if that is how you feel, Martinson,' Hrrestan replied,
letting his eyes slit as he looked at the portmaster. He didn't show the
irritation he felt at this attempt to puncture the delicate mood of optimism
that was beginning to build. "Go if you do not share our hopes. We will not
miss you." And resolutely he turned away.
Martinson stared after him, looked around the room, but others had turned
away, too. He stamped out of the Hall, cursing fools and fatheads and men who
wouldn't face reality.
Soon even the most pessimistic caught the growing spirit of hope and resolve.
There was a lot to be done, however the events of the next day turned out.
After all, twenty-tive years ago, there had been less hope for those who
remembered that fateful day. Was it wrong to expect a second miracle?
Hrrestan hoped that he sounded more convinced than he felt. If some worked
only because it was something to do, that was better than doing nothing. And
so the preparations for the feasi began, Hrrubans and
Hayumans working side by side.
The next day dawned, for better or for worse.
Pat forced herself out of bed and set aboui kneading bread dough which had
risen during the night. She put the loaf pans on the sun porch to rise again.
Deftly she put fancy touches on each, spread glazes on some and sprinkled seed
on others. Foi someone who had never baked a loaf of bread before she came to
Doona, over time Pat had mastered the skill until she had pride in it. If she
worked, she didn't think about how frightened she was. Once again she was
alone on Doona withoul Ken: she hadn't liked it the first time it had happened
twenty-five years ago and she didn't like it now. He should be here with her.
Where was he Where was Todd? And where were Kelly and Nrrna? Safe, they
said, but where was safe these days? Kelly had given her so much support evel
Todd had woken up to what everyone else had seen-that he and Kelly were so
well suited tc each other. The bread made, she had only to wail until it was
ready to bake. Only to wait? That wa the hardest part of all. Wait for
The handle of the front door rattled, and Pat fie to answer it.
On the doorstep was her daughter Ilsa.
and her two small daughters.
"Oh, sweetheart,' Pat gasped. "I'd almost forgot.
ten you were coming." lIsa put down her bags and threw her arm of tea and
think what to do." around her mother.
"Happy Treaty Renewal Day, Mom, she said happily, embracing Pat, and then
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stood back at her expression. "If it is. What's wrong?" Pat bent to cuddle
her two small granddaughters, four and seven they were now.
"How would you two like to help me make bread?" she asked, diverting them as
well as herself.
"Wash your hands now,' and when they had, she showed them how to shape spare
scraps of dough into little loaves and left them to it.
With them happily occupied, she explained to lisa what had been happening
since their last contact.
lIsa listened quietly and thoughtfully to the most recent troubles.
Knowing her brother's sense of honor, lisa had expected Todd to have cleared
up all that nonsense about smuggling and stealing and things.
She kept to herself her anxiety when she learned of the disappearance of both
her father and brother.
"Why didn't you comp-line me, Mother? If Dad and Todd are on Earth, we could
have gone to Poldep to instigate a search for them."
"I didn't want to worry you, dear,' Pat replied, knowing that she hadn't
considered her gentle daughter could be much help in such circumstances.
"Every minute I expect them back, to walk in that door and explain where
they've been. And there's no time left now. Nothing they could do even if
they do make it back today."
"Now, now, Mother, I'll just make us a nice cup When the baking was done, the
two women pu the still-steaming loaves and buns in the flitter
an went to the Assembly Hall kitchen. The room wa uncomfortably silent.
The previous day's ebullience had dissipated when dawn brought no sign o the
missing Reeves. Preparations for the feast wer proceeding, but the mood was
of people performing chores by rote or by sheer and dogged obstinacy, with
none of the laughter and joking anc excitement that should infect such a task
on a da of such historic importance.
Those who would cling to their hope and fait until the bitter end of all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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