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6. Remove the screw from the left rear corner of the base enclosure.
Figure 5-17. Removing the switch cover screw
5-18 Removal and Replacement Procedures
7. Turn the computer top side up with the front of the unit toward you.
8. Open the display.
9. Lift the switch cover / status panel from the computer.
Figure 5-18. Removing the switch cover/status panel
To replace the switch cover, reverse the procedure above.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 5-19
5.7.3 Removing the Display Assembly
CAUTION: Do not reuse the hinge screws removed from the previously installed display.
These screws may back out of the display hinges and cause the display assembly to
loosen from the base enclosure.
To remove the display assembly, complete the following procedure:
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (Section 5.3).
2. Remove the keyboard (Section 5.5).
3. Remove the hinge covers (Section 5.7).
4. Remove the switch cover assembly (Section 5.7).
5. Using tweezers, separate the backlight power cable and the display cable from the
system board.
Figure 5-19. Disconnecting the Display Cables
CAUTION: Do not pull the connector from the socket by the wires. Pulling on the wires may
damage them, rendering the display inoperative.
5-20 Removal and Replacement Procedures
6. Close the display.
7. Remove the two screws from the left display clutch and the two screws from the
right display clutch.
8. Lift the display assembly from the base enclosure.
Figure 5-20. Removing the Display Assembly
Reverse the procedure to replace the display assembly.
Note: Always replace the four loctite screws with the replacement screws supplied in
the service kit.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 5-21
5.8 Top Cover Assembly
To remove the top cover assembly, complete the following procedures:
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (Section 5.3).
2. Remove the keyboard (Section 5.6).
3. Remove the hinge covers (Section 5.7).
4. Remove the switch cover assembly (Section 5.7).
5. Remove the display assembly (Section 5.7).
6. Turn the computer bottom side up.
7. Remove the seven (7) screws from the bottom of the system unit.
Figure 5-21. Removing the screws from the bottom of the system unit
5-22 Removal and Replacement Procedures
8. Remove the screw from the rear of the unit.
9. Remove the two screws from the top cover.
10. Lift the top cover from the base enclosure assembly.
Figure 5-22. Removing the Top Cover Assembly
Removal and Replacement Procedures 5-23
5.8.1 Removing the DC-DC Converter
To remove the DC-DC converter, complete the following procedures:
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (Section 5.3).
2. Remove the keyboard (Section 5.6).
3. Remove the display assembly (Section 5.7).
4. Remove the top cover assembly (Section 5.8).
5. Remove the screw from the converter board.
6. Remove the DC-DC converter
Figure 5-23. Removing the DC-DC Converter
CAUTION: Failure to use the nickel colored screw to secure the DC-DC Converter to the
system board may result in damage to the system board.
To replace the DC-DC converter, reverse the steps.
5-24 Removal and Replacement Procedures
5.8.2 Removing the System Board
To remove the system board, complete the following procedures:
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (Section 5.3).
2. Remove the lithium real-time clock battery (Section 5.5).
3. Remove the auxiliary battery. (Section 5.5).
4. Remove the hard drive (Section 5.5).
5. Remove the memory board (Section 5.4).
6. Remove the keyboard (Section 5.6).
7. Remove the display assembly (Section 5.7).
8. Remove the top cover assembly (Section 5.9).
9. Remove the DC-DC Converter (Section 5.9).
10. Remove the three screws from the system unit.
11. Remove the docking guides from the rear panel.
12. Disconnect the speaker cable from the system board. The speaker is located in the
front right corner of the system board.
13. Lift the right edge of the system board to a 45-degree angle and lift from the base
Figure 5-24. Removing the System Board
To replace the system board, reverse the steps.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 5-25
5.8.3 Removing the Fan
To remove the fan, complete the following procedures:
1. Prepare the computer for disassembly (Section 5.3).
2. Remove the lithium real-time clock battery (Section 5.5).
3. Remove the auxiliary battery. (Section 5.5).
4. Remove the hard drive (Section 5.5).
5. Remove the keyboard (Section 5.6).
6. Remove the display assembly (Section 5.7).
7. Remove the top cover assembly (Section 5.9).
8. Remove the system board (Section 5.8) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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