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K65401 3.1 x 1.9mm Brass Stud-Link Chain 1 mtr £10.43
GR323 Liferaft container 36,5 x 18 mm (2) £5.44
K65403 5.3 x 3.1mm Brass Stud-Link Chain 1 mtr £9.58
Firemonitors & Water inlets
K65405 6.3 x 3.7mm Brass Stud-Link Chain 1 mtr £8.20
P11773 Brass water scoop & outlet. Suitable for intake for water pump units
K65407 7.8 x 4.5mm Brass Stud-Link Chain 1 mtr £8.76
K65409 8.7 x 5.7mm Brass Stud-Link Chain 1 mtr £9.34
GR337 Working Fire monitor. 50 x 45 mm. Supplied in kit-form (pack of 2)
GR2350 Working Fire monitor. 95 x 80 mm. £17.94 Oval Link Chain
GR393 Working Fire Monitor: unassembled. 74 x 62 x 20 £6.16
K65420 1.1 x 0.9mm Brass Oval-Link Chain 1 mtr £4.79
K65422 1.7x1.2mm Brass Oval-Link Chain 1 mtr £5.13
Paddle Wheels
K65424 2.4x2.0mm Brass Oval-Link Chain 1 mtr £5.41
GR581 Paddle wheel set: Contains all parts required for building
K65426 5.3x 3.1mm Brass Oval-Link Chain 1 mtr £5.69
a pair of paddle wheels for installation into side-wheel
K65428 6.3x3.7mm Brass Oval-Link Chain 1 mtr £5.94
paddlers. All floats (blades) of the wheels are movably
K65430 7.8x4.5mm Brass Oval-Link Chain 1 mtr £6.19
mounted. Their attitude is eccentrically steered via
a system of pushrods. Paddle diameter
140mm x 85mm wide. £60.26
Bow & Side Fenders
GR305/2 Porthole 13.5mm dia. Plastic with glazing (10) £7.77
K63201 Knitted Rope Bowfender 100mm x 20mm £9.34
GR305/1 Porthole 9mm dia. Plastic with glazing (10) £5.00
K63202 Knitted Rope Bowfender 150mm x 30mm £11.43
GR305/3 Porthole 17mm dia. Plastic with glazing (10) £7.77
K63203 Knitted Rope Bowfender 200mm x 30mm £13.40
K63210 Knitted Rope Bowfender 50mm £5.52
K63211 Knitted Rope Bowfender 80mm £8.61
GR335 Radar Bar Array style 80mm £3.00
For export prices see page 5 under section headed  Deducting U.K VAT Sales Tax
Page 32
K63212 Knitted Rope Bowfender 250mm £18.04 36472 Motor boat 10M type, walnut. Length 96mm,Width 29mm,
K63213 Knitted Rope Bowfender 300mm £22.12 Height 28mm. In kit form £9.74
36471 Whaling boat , walnut. Length 100mm,Width 22mm,
K63215 Knitted Rope Ballfender 15mm dia £4.64 Height 18mm. In kit form £9.74
K63204 Knitted Rope Ballfender 25mm dia £4.64 36470 Motor boat 8.5M type, walnut. Length 87mm,Width 26mm,
K63205 Knitted Rope Ballfender 35mm dia £5.96 Height 22mm. In kit form £9.74
K63206 Knitted Rope Ballfender 40mm dia £7.29 36469 Diesel motor boat type, walnut. Length 102mm,Width
30mm, Height 35mm. In kit form £13.24
K63214 Knitted Rope Side Fender 20mm x 12mm £4.64 36465 Small lifeboat type, walnut. Length 72mm,width 26mm,
K63207 Knitted Rope Side Fender 30mm x 17mm £4.64 Height 15mm.in kit form £9.35
K63208 Knitted Rope Side Fender 45mm x 20mm £6.35 36468 motor boat , walnut. Length 97mm,Width 27mm,
K63209 Knitted Rope Side Fender 50mm x 25mm £7.29 Height 35mm. In kit form £13.24
36467 Small lifeboat type, walnut. Length 83mm,Width 23mm,
Height 16mm.In kit form laser-cut £9.74
36466 Main lifeboat type, walnut. Length 105mm,Width 31mm,
Working Winch
Height 21mm.In kit form laser-cut £9.74
Brass Rings
32840 Ring Brass, Dia. 10mm.(100) £2.92
32830 Ring Brass, Dia. 8mm.(100) £2.92
32820 Ring Brass, Dia. 6mm.(100) £2.92
32810 Ring Brass, Dia. 5mm.(100) £2.92
Barrels & Kegs
32333 Water/Powder Keg Walnut 22mm (10) £3.56
32330 Water/Power Keg Walnut 10mm (10) £3.24
32331 Water/Power Keg Walnut 14mm (10) £3.56
32334 Water/Power Keg Walnut 30mm (10) £3.56
This pre-assembled anchor winch unit is mounted under the models deck, and
allows the operation of two anchors using a spare channel of your R/C set. 32420 Bucket Boxwood 8x9mm (10) £1.82
32421 Bucket Boxwood 12x13mm (5) £1.82
To release the anchors the included servo disengages the drum clutch allowing 32422 Bucket Boxwood 5x7mm (5) £1.82
the anchors to pay out under their own weight. To winch in the anchors, the servo 32350 Water/Power Keg Walnut 17mm (10) £3.56
engages the clutch and starts the geared motor. To prevent damage to the unit
by over winching, a slip clutch is installed beween the motor and the winch drum.
30830 Period capstan Walnut 15mm £1.04
K65310 Working under-deck anchor winch 6V. £65.95
30862 Period capstan in Kit Form in Walnut/Boxwood 25mm £2.46
42030 Period capstan Brass, in kit form. Height 16mm. £2.75
42040 Period capstan in Kit Form Wood/Brass 27mm £5.76
42070 Period capstan Turned light wood, Height 16mm high,
Mantua & Sergal Fittings
Dia. 13mm. £1.10
42080 Period capstan Turned light wood, Height 10mm,
Dia. 8mm. £1.10
31190 'V' crown period anchor , wood & metal. Size 28 x 40mm. £3.85 30840 Period capstan Walnut 20mm £1.04
31200 'V' crown period anchor , wood & metal. Size 35 x 50mm. £3.85 30851 Period capstan Walnut 16mm £1.36
31210 'V' crown period anchor , wood & metal. Size 40 x 62mm. £3.85 30850 Period capstan Walnut 10mm £1.36
42561 Admiralty Anchor Stock type, wood & metal. Size 65mm. £3.85 30861 Period capstan Boxwood/Walnut 20mm £2.46 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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